Saturday, May 24, 2014

Snippet Stories: Interruption

"So what do you want to do tomorrow?" He asked her. "Oh, I dunno. Any ideas?" She asked as they both took seats on the faded blue couch in Her and Her roommate's humble living room.
 Said roommate was away for today, but tomorrow needed the whole apartment for a family party. So, she'd kindly 'asked' Her to clear out to make room for several unpleasant and funny-smelling long-lost aunts and uncles for the occasion. "Trust me," Her roommate had said. "If I had a choice, I'd go with you." But, unfortunately for Her roommate, her presence was required at the party, so She chose to spend the weekend doing who-knows-what with Him. 
"Well, we can't really go to the movies, we did that last weekend." He said, bringing her back to the present. "Yeah. True." She muttered, not really sure what She was agreeing with. "Oh, I think the state fair is in town until next week, how about we go?" She suggested. She shot him a questioning look when he started giggling at memories he'd yet to share. "Well, we could, but that probably would be dangerous given my past history will the fair ground..."
 She sighed as He launched into a story involving Him and some friend's mishaps at past Fair event. It was to early in the morning for a story, she thought as she watched His facial expression's slight variations as He spoke. Mesmerized by the emotion portrayed, She found Herself frozen to the spot with Her eyes fixed on Him, but Her mind wandering a million miles away.
 She suddenly lurched forwards and wrapped Her arms around His neck, crushing Her lips to His. At first He was rigid with confusion, but then He sank into the embrace. After a moment, He gently pulled away and asked "What was that for?" She grinned, face still inches from His. "Sometimes you talk too much, and I have to stop you somehow." He grinned back. "Well, in that case.." His sentence trailed off as he leaned into kiss her again- 
"Hey? Did you hear me?" He said, waving His hand in front of Her glazed-over eyes. She let out a sigh, realizing it was a daydream, and She was still frozen in Her original position with Her eyes fixed on His face. "Huh?" She said. He chuckled. "Long story short, every time I go to the fair someone gets an E.R. visit or left behind." "I just can't take you anywhere, can I?" She murmured in amusement, scooting closer to Him as She spoke. He raised his eyebrows in a mock-hurt way.
 Once again She grinned, then kissed Him as She had in Her daydream. And, like in the day dream, he momentarily resisted before relaxing and wrapping His own arms around Her waist. And, also like in the daydream, He pulled away to ask a question. 
"What's this?" He inquired. "I've just had a daydream very similar to this, and I was seeing if the real thing would be as nice." She replied. "Oh. Verdict?" He seemed to be all about the questions today. "Better," She smiled. "And let's take our chances with the fair grounds." "Aye aye, Captain." He said, then leaned in for another kiss. But this time there were no interruptions. 

Thanks for reading.
Love Love,
Phrank Mc.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Hi guys. 
Sorry to bother you. 
So recently there was a slip up here on P&P. 
you don't know what the slip up is unless you were apart of it, in which case(which case being you're not part of the slip up) this post will just be confusing and I apologize. HOWEVER if you were part of said slip up, please continue reading. I made a boo boo and told someone about the blog and they made a second boo boo and told someone else about the blog who was not supposed to know about the blog because of things posted on here that are not to be publicly known about one of us. That being said PLEASE if your are the person who read it who wasn't supposed to read the blog, PLEASE KEEP THE PRIVATE INFORMATION TO YOURSELF. Thank you.
