Friday, January 9, 2015

The Language Of Auto Correct

Hullo my blogsters!
Me and dear Phreddie were talking a while back about making a whole language of autocorrect, and I decided to make a post out of it! The following is the equivalent to the Webster's online dictionary, but much less accurate. If we don't get very many fast enough, I may throw in some text-talk-terms(lol, brb, etc...) 
(please note that common autocorrect fails vary from phone to phone. While these may be accurate for Phred and my phone's, it may be gibberish to yours.)
Let us start!! 
The Blue font will be the word we were attempting to type, the Red is what autocorrect gave us.

Lazy:  Jazz.
Because nice saxy music is apparently docile

Long:  Joni.
Who knows where this came from. 

No:  Noah, On, Mm.
The No to On is understandable, but to Mm or Noah? That's technology for you.

Thingys:  Thongs.
I guess thingys is a good way to describe thongs in code.

Me:  Of / Of:  Me
Again, understandable.

Commonly:   Anomaly
It's an anomaly where this corrections came from.

Brb:   Bra
Again with the underwear?

Grape:   Rape
I don't even know. But then it is only a letter off..

Few:  Fez
Looks like my phone is a whovian.

Okay:  Otay
This is actually one from Danny's (Phrank's ex) phone.
Because I (Phred) text him sometimes, and this happens a lot.
Kinda the opposite of an auto correct.

Yummy:  Tony
Because my phone secretly loves Iron Man (Me too-this is Phrankie again-)

Coolio:  Cookio
What even is a cookio? I can understand correcting it to cookie or whatever, but cookio? The heck?

Oh: Og, MH, Oi, OI, Mh, MI, Mi.
Okay, I get Oi, because I say that a lot. Og is probably from when phred and I did The Adventures of Og and Igga, But Mh/MH and Mi/MI? Don't recall saying those. But yeah, I have to scroll through all of those before I get to 'Oh'.

Yup:   Yur, yurp.
Again, where did 'Yur' come from? Stupid phones.

Hi:  44.
Never in my life have I wanted to greet someone with '44', phone. Never.

Your:   Youp
This is getting ridiculous phone these aren't even works now.

Okay:  Olaw
Again, this is some weird non-existent words that my phone decided to come up with. The epitome of 'dafuq'?

My:  NY
Now Offering: Cell Phones with Possessiveness Over New York.

Fuck:   Duck
Basically trying to preserve any scrap of long lost purity. Basically.

Well, friends, that's it for now. I don't know how many we got -twenty, maybe?- but it's been upwards of six months since we started this post, so, yeah.
We'll probably add new words here and there. Till then, See ya.

Phranklynn G. M. P. McSparrow
Phredrick M. G. R. McSparrow.