Thursday, May 21, 2015

So I got a Kik

And like I don't even understand.
Like, I know (vaguely) how to work it and whatever, I mean I only got it because Phred's new phone plan won't let her text my area code, but who decided to basically make a texting app that requires internet. I mean I suppose it's usefull, but whatever.

                                --- Phranklynn McS.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Allow Me to (re) Introduce Myself.

Hey you guys, I've been looking back at some of our older posts lately, and I think this sort of thing is growing necessary.
I think it's time we (re) introduce ourselves. Saying that, I know that it would be simple for you to go back and read our very first posts, and learn the basics about us, but we've changed a lot since then. I'm older, wiser, I'm certainly a better writer, and I've learned some things about myself that I didn't really know when I was fourteen. And I want to sum those things up for me just as much as I do for you. Without much more introduction, let me give you the run-down on me.
I'm stubborn as hell. Some people would say it's caused I'm a Taurus. I'm skeptical about the zodiac stereotypes, but I also love reading them and pretending I understand people better by doing so.
I'm not really lazy, but I procrastinate enough that I'll probably put off dying forever and become immortal. But maybe laziness and procrastination go hand in hand.
I'm sixteen now. I'm a cishet white chick, but I think I'm pretty much the opposite of demisexual. Meaning, if we're just friends -close friends, barely friends, whatever-, then I love being touched by you. Kiss my cheek, hug me constantly, hang your arm on my shoulder, hold my hand, I love it all, I don't care if you're a guy friend or a girl friend, I love the platonic touch. But if we're in any sort of a romantic relationship, don't touch me. Don't hug me around anyone, don't you dare kiss me around anyone, I will probably punch you in the face, cry when I get home, and not talk to you for a week. If you want to hold my hand, I'm probably thinking of things that my hand could do as an excuse to not be touching you anymore. Just leave me be, no touchy.
Many people fancy me an artist. They think that means I can paint, but that's a lie. My acrylics, atrocious. Watercolors are a shapeless blob. Instead, I find my medium in graphite pencils, Crayola markers, pen and ink, things I can control. I'll see about posting some for you sometime. They're not Van Gogh, but they're my sort of thing.
I'm really quiet, I'm shy, but not like I used to be. I'm terribly introverted, but that doesn't mean I won't take charge if I have to, or put someone in their place. And respect, if you don't give me the respect I deserve, you bet your life I will NOT give you any respect back. I'm a 2nd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. I may not be able to take down an MMA champ, but I have been working my butt off for seven years to earn that title. If you talk down on me -especially if you're a lower rank in the school- or give me attitude, or disrespect me even on a miniscule level, you have immediately lost any favor you had with me, you've lost any good things I would have said about you, and if I have ever talked to anyone about you, then they know what an ass you've been, 100% guarantee. By that point you've lost any chance you had of getting my affection.
I hate dishonesty. If you can't tell me the truth long enough to say my shirt has something on it, or answer the simplest of questions, I will not deal with you. I can handle cheesiness, even enjoy it, to an extent. If you're not willing to put it aside for fifteen minutes and have a serious conversation, then you need to find someone else to talk to.
I love being involved in group things. I yearn to hang at coffee shops with friends, I long to spend a Saturday playing Frisbee at the park with everyone, but I have too much anxiety to initiate. If I'm not directly invited to join in a game, I'll watch from the side and pretend I don't want to. I pretend I'm tough enough for it not to affect me, but sometimes I need that gentle whisper of "it's okay" and "I'll do it with you" that people quit offering once you grow out of being a "little girl".  
I hate being called a princess, or called girly, but sometimes I just wish my life were a Disney movie. I wish to be Jasmine, fighting back for herself alongside Aladdin, I want to burst out into flawless musical numbers, and the story book happy ending.
 I don't think I should have to wear makeup to be attractive. So far, the public disagrees. I have maintained my resolve of not wearing it every time I leave the house, but sometimes putting on a little eyeliner and concealer makes me feel good.   
I hate country music. I prefer the alternative tones of Panic! at the Disco's lovely Brendan Urie, I love the power behind Fall Out Boy's Patrick Stump when he sings What a Catch Donnie. I love the slightly "grungier" sounds of House of Heroes, but equally enjoy the emotions behind a lone singer behind an acoustic guitar.
I prefer Marvel to D.C. Ironman is my top dog, I strive to shoot a bow like Hawkeye. Matt Murdock is adorable, and I wish I could fight half as well as that blind dork. Spiderman is like your high school best friend. Youthful, goofy, and your first real companion.
Speaking of, I have a compound bow. I'm rusty, but not bad.
I love the gore of Supernatural. I could watch someone dig a bullet out of themselves and not blink an eye. Supernatural provides that outlet of "nasty". Sam is my giant moose-puppy, Dean is my protective big brother. Cas is basically the best. Doctor Who is the person you keep forgetting about, but then you meet again and you love them all over again.
I have trouble falling asleep after watching a "darker" show, so I always top the night off with something like The Office, How I Met Your Mother, or Digimon(#tbt. Except, I've just recently taken up watching it again).
I play Pokémon.
My favorite Movie Franchises are Indiana Jones and Jurrasic Park. I am beyond excited for Jurassic World coming out this summer.
I really love Dinosaurs.
I am probably the biggest nerd you will ever meet. I read at least twice as many books as average, I wear contacts/glasses. I know everything to know about Harry Potter.
I may suck at being around real people, but you know what? I'm actually pretty cool. Ya'll are missing out.
Phrank McSparrow.