Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Boyfriend Tag/Guys I've Kept A Relationship For More Than Month

Hello all!
Phreddie here yet again with an "I'm not dead I promise"
With so many things going on (behind on my school work, moving again, what I'm assuming is manic depression/bpd making doing any of those things really hard) I haven't really found time to write.
I will try to do it more (With Phrank and Teo getting on me about writing that won't be too hard) but no promises.
Now with the mention of Teo (As always, a fake name more for tradition than security) I should probably tell you guys more about him. 
So we decided to do the blog version of the boyfriend/girlfriend tag, but first a few little things that aren't included in the game:
So far I haven't really written much about him, but here goes.
We've been dating for just over four months.
He's 15, though he'll tell you he's 16 (He still has three months left).
He's a nerdy little dork, but a cute one.
Computers are his thing and I probably won't ever really understand what he's talking about when he tells me what he's doing, but I still love it when I can actually get it out of him.
I'm a needy little beast, but he handles it well. 
And I honestly I'm just completely in love with him.
He's the only guy who's made me feel really secure about our relationship and I love him for that.
He and Phrank have a lot of really weird parallels as well, which has made him her favorite of any boy I've ever dated.
I don't really have to say he's my favorite too.
But without further ado, lets start the game

When And How Did We Meet?

We met when I had a waitressing job for a week and on the last day his cute ass showed up to "hang out" but his stepmom (the owners daughter) put him to work, and we kinda just ended up hanging out together a lot.

How Long Have We Been Together?

Four months and one week.

When Did I Meet His Family?

I've never met any of his biological family but I know his stepmom and stepsister (they don't like me).
And I talked to his mom for like 5 minutes on skype, and she's so sweet and southern, it's hilarious.

Do We Have Any Traditions?

I'm not sure if it counts really as a tradition, but I cat call him everytime he takes his glasses off (a lot) and on occasion I'll attempt to reverse cat call when he puts them back on.

What Was The First Thing I Noticed About Him?

He was dorky and cute and adorably awkward

What Is His Favorite Food?

Sushi and/or Pizza

What Do We Argue About Most?

Who loves the other more =^_^=
But in all actuallity we don't argue often and it's not usually about the same things.
(Though, jealousy is a common theme)

Who Wears The Pants In The Relationship?

Him, for sure.

Now on to some questions that I got wrong a lot:

Purple Is My Guess
Green Is His Answer

If He's In Front Of The TV, What Is He Watching?

I honestly am so lost here.
Cop shows?
Nah, Usually anime

What Is One Food He Doesn't Like?

Look at all the questions I don't know the answer too.
Ummm, broccoli?
No, Liver, yuck

What Is His Shoe Size?

Awwww shiz, idk how boys shoes work.
Ummm, 10?
9 1/2

What Is His Favorite Sandwich?

Oh God, I know nothing.

What Would He Eat Everyday If He Could?

Um, well, Sushi?
Nope, apples and peanut butter.
(I still don't get how your favorite foodand the one you would eat every day are different but ya know)

What Is His Favorite Cereal?

Frosted Flakes?
Nope, Life.
*Explains that Life is a cereal*

What Is His Favorite Kind Of Music?

Electro dance music/Nightcore esque music

What Is His Eye Color?

Almost positive it's brown, but now that it matters I'm having doubts.
It's brown.
I win.

Who Is His Best Friend?

Oh shit.
You don't talk about your friends, ever.
I remember someone named Andrew.
Nope, it's Houston.
You literally have never mentioned that name ever.

What's Something That I Do That He Wishes I Didn't

About everything.

What's Something That He Does That I Wish He Didn't?

I wish You didn't say you were fine when you're obviously upset

Where Is He From?

Crossing my fingers that it's Tennessee.

Does He Play Any Sports?

I know you don't currently play sports and I don't think you have ever.
I played Basketball a few years back.

What Could He Do For Hours?

Hack/Troll/Play Skyrim

If He Could Live Anywhere, Where Would It Be?


So hopefully you know my boyfriend a little bit better, and hopefully I can get back into the swing of things and write a bit more.
So until next time, I'm gonna go delete some year old drafts.
Bye Bye Angels

- Phred McSparrow