Tuesday, March 31, 2015

*Is not actually dead*

Sup guys. Sorry for the recent bought of absence. However, if you've been reading for any discernible amount of time, you'll pretty much know that both of us simultaneously disappearing is a common thing that usually lasts like three months, followed by one or two months of us completely bombarding you with posts. That being said, be prepared for an overwhelming tidal wave of random crap coming your way soon. 
I'm not actually certain where I really wanted to go with this post, other than to give you a sign of life. I guess I'll just tell you what's been going on as of late. 
So last Holiday season, both my sister and Phred participated in a play with a local theater troupe-participated in that, sister played another dude and Phred did set design shtuff. And so one week I went to help with the sets and shtuff with Phred, and had craploads of fun, so this play season I'm a full-fledged part of the set crew. Unfortunately, due to recent age requirements set in place, Phred con't participate in the stage crew with me. I mean, that really sucks, but I'm making friends there, too. 
And that hasn't happened since, well, Danny. I mean, that didn't end really well, but I have higher hopes for this new set of weirdos. And it's cool, because I'm doing a really good job of not letting myself develop any dumb infatuations. Yeah, there's a couple of really nice dudes there, don't get me wrong. However, they are definitely not in my ?zone?. And the one that's even close to my age is waaay interested in another chick. 
So yeah, it's pretty great. No foreseeable drama, and I'm seriously looking forward to having more than one real friend (love you Phred). 
So that's all nice. 

Oh, and I got my cartilage pierced this past Saturday. It didn't actually hurt that bad, at least the first time they did it. When it didn't go all the way through. Yep. They had to do it twice. Jolly good. 
I mean, after they got it over with, it didn't even hurt all day. I was just more aware that that portion of my ear existed?
 It was odd. However, last night I accidentally rolled over onto that side a coupole of times, so it's feeling a bit raw today. 
Yeah, so that's what's been happening as of late. 
Not terribly interesting, but definitely prof of life. 
I guess I'll see you guys next time,

Phranklynn G. M. P. McSparrow. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

This post has no title/PHRED IS BACK Y'ALL

Phred here.
Yeah, I'm not dead.
Actually I'm far from it.
But a lot of things have happned in the past month or so.
And I figured I should talk about it.
Well, one, as I mentioned in previous posts I had a boyfriend.
I say "had" because that ended around the 20th of february.
Not bitterly I'm afriad.
It seems to be easier when things end bitterly.
But a note to anyone that's going into a relationship:
Don't talk about the future if you don't intend for there to be one.
If you're not ready for something serious, don't act as if you want something serious.
But I'm not going to go into that.
Also in the past week I got and quit my first job.
I also met a nice boy on the last day of that job.
Whether things will work with him or not I have no idea.
Though, knowing my ability to fuck things up, it probably won't.
But lets not talk about that either.
Let's talk about the fact that I actually have friends nowadays.
I have no more secrets I'm keeping.
I haven't thought about suicide in over a week.
My life is finally getting better, and it's amazing.

Until later, angels
Phred M.