Saturday, April 12, 2014

Juat keep shipping, just keep shipping, what do we do? We ship, ship, shiiiiip

PHRANK IS BACK(again...)
So I know it feels like a whole butt-ton of things have happened lately, but I honestly have no idea what to blog about because it's all running together. So what to do? Blog about a very popular thing these days,
You may be wondering, 'what is this shipping?'
Glad you asked! Shipping is simply the act of wishing two people or fictional characters would get in a romantic relationship together, and in all lot of cases writing fanfiction about said couple or making fanart about them (Warning to our more innocent audience, fanfiction and fanart in the context of shipping VERY often involves inappropriate content((scarily detailed-from what I've heard-erotic stories and porn drawings)) viewer/reader discretion is much advised)
I personally try not to ship fictional characters because I like to see how said fictional stories play out. However, I have but one fictional ship that isn't cannon. What is it, you ask? 
Destiel. Yes, I ship Castiel and Dean of Supernatural. I know what you're thinking, 
'oh no, a christian shipping two men together? Blasphemy!' If you're thinking that, I'm going to have to tell you to calm pantyhose, grandma. (side note, does anyone even say blasphemy anymore?) Yes my ship is two guys. No I don't write erotic fanfiction about them. No I do not draw them having sex. Get your mind out of the gutter, gosh. 
I also occasionally ship real, non-fictional people as well. To be honest, mostly my sister. But they're really adorable ships. One of them was her and a guy with hands that are the same size as hers(she has teeny little hands) but skinnier, and he's also eighteen and barely taller than her(she is a five-foot-nothing who just turned seventeen in march). I could get very deep into the details of my ships, but that would bore you. So instead, I'm going to research a couple of popular ships, and give my reviews!


Merther is the Merlin fandom's ship for King Arthur and Merlin. Now, I've yet to fully enter into the Merlin fandom, to be truthful I've watched about six or seven episodes in the very first season, but I enjoyed it greatly and will watch more when I get the chance. Yes, I realize that fandoms are painful and I am vaguely aware of how the series ended. Back to the ship. As I said, at the point in the series that I'm at, they can barley stand talking to each other, let alone being in a romantic relationship. However I have seen snippets and gifs on tumblr, and I vote them a cute couple, but what happened to Merlin amd Gwen? They totally had something there. ANYWAYS, Arthur and Merlin? Cute, but I don't think I'd ship it.


Spirk is the ship of Captain Kirk and Spock. Again, I am not in the Trekkie fandom, but I'd just like to raise a huge toast to the self control of the Trekkies who named the ship Spirk instead of the most obvious alternative.


The ship of BBC's television show Sherlock's one and only Sherlock Holmes (played by Benedict Cumberbatch) and the dashing John Watson (played by Martin Freeman-Martin Freeman, mmmhh). I am no homophobe. My best friend is bi. I think gay guys are great. I do not like Johnlock, at all. It may very well be that Sherlock shippers I come across are particularly vulgar. I have yet to see His Last Vow, and from my 'inside info' it may completely change my view on this, but I like John and Mary together. They are so cute. Anyways. Review? Has some nice 'evidence' behind it, but i will never ship it.


Destiel destiel destiel. I love it. if you're actually reading this post instead of just skimming, you wouldgone  already know a little bit about this ship. You would know that this ship is Castiel (an angel of the Lord who has, y'know, killed a couple innocent vessels for the cause of killing a couple angels gone bad, but we all have bad days. He's also got y'know some pretty nice eyes) and Dean Winchester(a hunter who is((supposedly)) very straight and is considered a 'player' and basically makes a living off killing creatures not thought real and yes occasionally people) of Supernatural. Destiel is my one and only ship of fictional characters and I ship it so hard. It was soo close to cannon in the recent episode where Cas thought he had a date but it turned out he was babysitting for a girl while she went on a date. REVIEW?!?! I ship it I ship it I ship it but I wish it had a bit more cannon backing.


Wincest is also a popular Supernatural ship that puts Sam and Dean together(Sam is Dean's little brother by the way). I do not ship family together at all. It is just flat out nasty, ya'll. Yes I said ya'll. Shhh... Anyways. Incest ships, not my thing. Don't ship.


A Doctor Who/Torchwood ship of the pan sexual(even inter-species) Captain Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones. They're cute. I'd ship it. I don't know if Ianto would be into it though, he kinda had it for that half Cyber-woman he tried to save...


A Marvel ship of Spiderman and Deadpool. I don't know much about the ship other than if you follow a Deadpool fan blog on tumblr it will 45% of the time turn into Spideypool porn, according to my brother. Would I ship it? Maybe.


I dunno if that's the actual ship name but it is now. Clint (Hawkeye) and Natasha (Blackwidow) of the avengers. i approve.


The Frozen fandom's ship of Queen Elsa and her sister Princess Anna. Again, me no likey the incest. I think all of the incest shippers are all only child's because just think about dating your sibling if this is not disgusting to you then you are messed up somewhere deep down. Nasty. Would I ship it? heck NAH.
(If you haven't noticed I'm just sort of skimming through the ships now so I can go ahead and post this)


I lied, I have two ships. The ship of Kristoff and Anna from Frozen. They are cute. Adorable. The best. Best part? THIS SHIP IS CANNON, SUCKERS!!! Stamp this ship with approval two hundred times.

Well, that's all the ships for now, I hope you enjoyed. Think I missed a good or popular ship? Write the ship name in the comments or email me at and write Phrank/ships in the subjects bar. Until the next time, my shippas!!!

Love love,
Phrank Mc.  




Jelsa is the ship of Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians and Queen Elsa. I lied. Three ships. I have three ships. I love Jelsa. I ship Jelsa so hard. I love it. Jack and Elsa are awesome. That is all. Bye again.

Love Love,
Phrank Mc.

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