Friday, April 11, 2014

The Adventures of Og and Igga: An introduction

Og and Igga:
an Introduction.

Ello, Phrank here. Phreddie and I are going to start a little series about to Cave-girls, named Og and Igga. Og and Igga are basically what it would be like if her and I were Cavemen (would it change to cavewomen for girls?), Og being Phred's name (she picked it herself) and Igga being mine. Phreddrick and I will be tag teaming their little tales from each character's view, and I've just decided how we're going to do it. We'll be in the middle of a tale, but say we're having writers block, We'll type "TAG!!!" in all caps, inform the other that we've done so, and the other will pick off where one left off. Example:

  Igga was positively bored. She'd been so for hours. She'd tried hitting plants withs rocks, hitting her leg with rocks, hitting birds with rocks, even hitting rocks with rocks. still no cure to her insufferable boredom. then she had an idea: "Og! Og, Og, Og, where Og?"


At this particular moment Og was sleeping, dreams of cooking speared hog dancing in her head.
When suddenly she heard Igga yelling "OG!"
This thoroughly irritated Og because it was a nice dream, and Og hadn't had speared hog in days.
Then, suddenly she felt a strong electrical fan
Only, electrical fans didn't exist, and on further inspection Og saw it was their pet Girziminalfich, landing.
A Girziminalfich looks rather like a reindeer with  mange, but not in the disgusting way
  more like a Pretty-but-scary reindeer with bat wings that had rather large holes and big saber-teeth and a very visible rib cage.
 Upon finding Og, Igga yelled "OG!" as though it was the only word she knew.
Og replied with a very irritated "Og sleep! Wake Og! Og angry!"
By know you may have noticed Og liked to talk in the third person
"Og dream of speared hog! Very good."
Igga looked at Og confused and asked "Dream of speared Og? Why good?"
"Very yum. Should make." Og replied, her stomach growling for some.
Igga shrugged and walked up to Og, wielding her spear.
Realizing her intentions, Og yelled "GAH! GOWAY, FLAGYER!!"
Which, in human words, would probably be "Hey! Stop it, you big dunder brain!!"


Stopping midway through launching her spear at Og, Igga frowned at her words. "flagyer? Igga do what Og say, Igga make speared Og. Og say Og dreamed of. Og say good. Why Og not want make speared Og? Og say..." Igga frowned again. "Igga confused.." Having picked up the habit from Og, Igga, too, spoke in third person. "No no flagyer," Og said "Og no say speared Og. Og say Dreamed of speared hog. Hu-hog."  With her hands, she motioned having tusks. "Speared hu-Og? Hu-og.. h-og.. Hog! Og mean speared HOG?!" Igga asked. "Yes, hog, hog, speared hog." This time Og picked up two sticks and put them on her face as pretend tusks. "Oh! Igga seen hogs! Go catch and make speared hog?"


"Igga get speared hog, Og watch Igga, make sure she get good hog. Og ride Girzy" Girzy was the name of their pet Girziminalfich, as it was hard for Og and Igga to pronounce words with more then 3 syllables.
"Og not help Igga?" Igga asked, disappointed. "Og help Igga. Og watch out for hog on Girzy."
Igga gave Og a suspicious look and started trumping toward the prime hog-catching field.
 Og hopped on Girzy, and though she was planning on keeping her promise to watch for hogs, Og was soon fast asleep on Girzy's back.
Og didn't wake until Igga's war cry signalling she had targeted a hog startled her and she fell ten feet into a large pond.
Og wallowed around in the water, stirring up mud and dirt till the pond was a big puddle of mud.
"Gah! Igga! You flagyer! HELP OG!"
Although Igga was much too far away and wrapped up in her own joy of spearing hog to hear Og's cries for help.
Og, very irritated at this, decided to sit in the middle of the mud puddle, with only her eyes peeping out (And occasionally her mouth. Cave girls need air too.) To scare Igga with large toads she caught when Igga came by.


"Og! Igga speared hog! We cook hog now? Og...?" By now Igga had noticed Og's absence. Thinking back to Og's promise of keeping watch from atop Girzy, she immediately spun around in search for said Girziminalfich. Seeing Girzy landed on a small hill by Igga's favorite toad hunting pond. "Girzy! Girzy, you lose Og? Where Og go?" As she spoke, Igga began trodding around the pond up towards Girzy. upon reaching a point about halfway across the pond, Igga's foot slipped in a spot of mud. Mud? Igga thought. Why muddy? Mud mean wet. Wet mean splash... Splash mean... "OH!" Upon further inspection, Igga discovered more and more evidence of something having been splashing in the pond. And, from Igga's time spent toad hunting, Igga could tell that it was definitely not from any of the usual animals, not even Girzy. Suddenly distracted, Igga bent down to look for prints. Midway down, Og burst out of the murk, toads and mud flying everywhere, sending Igga running and shrieking towards the unfazed Girziminalfich. Before Og knew what was happening, Igga had mounted Girzy and launched into the air, not for the first time leaving Og to find her own way home back to the hub for dinner and a long cold night.

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