Monday, February 2, 2015

The Progression Of "I Miss Him"

Hello Angels, Phreddie here again.
So it has been quite a while neither Phrank nor I have posted in near a month, so it's time to get back on track.
As I mentioned in my last post, there was a boy who asked me out in the beginning of the year.
Since I've already usesed his name, we'll just continue to call him Hunter.
Though I was reluctant to start anything with a guy I was so scared I would screw things up with, h eventually convinced me it'd be fine.
And I'm really glad I believed him.
Now it's been nearly a month that we've been going out, and we tend to just see eachother at church (surprise surprise.)
And since we spend at least a week apart I inevitably go all "Woe is me, my boyfriend lives so far away, the world is against me."
Okay, maybe not that dramatic, but you get the point.
So I decided to make a post about it.
God knows no one reads this blog anyway, and I find it fun.
Basically I'm going to post the ammount of time he's been away and then other random things.
Is explaining this necessary?
I dunno.
Anywho, here we go:

Ten Minutes

My hand is cold but I'm not a crazy stalker, I shouldn't miss him yet.

1 Hour

I mean, it was a really good kiss.
Lik, really good.

 6 Hours

I totally already miss him.
Not even ashamed.

1 Day

No, I'm not already thinking about him, I promise.

That's a total lie, I've been thinking about him since I woke up.

2 Days

There's no way this is normal, right?

3 days

Whhhyyyyyyyyyy does he live so far away??

4 Days

Over it.
I'll be fine until I see him again.

5 Days

Oh wait...
Yeah, um, sorry.

6 Days

At least I'll see him tomorrow.

7 Days



Yeah. So that was more dramatic than it probably is.
But ya know.
Until next time sunshine

- Phred McSparrow

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