Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Story Of How Phred Got A Boyfriend

Gather 'round children, and let me tell you a tale of impossible things.
Once upon a time there lived an awkward geek named Phred.
Phred was a strange young girl.
She played video games, wrote books and songs and poetry, scoured the internet all day and went to school at home.
She had many friends that were boys, most of them much older than her.
She liked some of them, including a boy 6 years older than her.
One day he asked her if she liked him.
She told him the truth.
He rudely exclaimed "I knew it!" and told her he didn't feel the same way.
Phred was sad and scared to ever tell a boy she liked him again.
Then along came a boy named Nate.
Nate was cute and funny, but sometimes mean to Phred.
He didn't mean to be, but sometimes Phred felt like he hated her.
Phred liked Nate a lot, but she couldn't tell him that.
She liked to talk to him, and at camp they talked a lot.
They walked together and talked a lot.
Phred told Nate something she'd never told anyone before, not even Phrank.
But when she told Nate's friend Anna she liked him, Anna told her he didn't feel the same.
Phred acted like she didn't care, even though it hurt her a lot.
Camp went by, and the more Phred liked Nate, the less she thought he liked her.
Then one day, a few weeks after camp, very late at night Nate asked Phred something Phred didn't want to answer.
He asked her "Do you like me?"
Phred was in a dilemma.
Should she lie to Nate and not get hurt? 
Or should she tell the truth?
After some contemplating, she told him yes, but she knew he didn't like her.
But Phred was wrong.
Phred was very wrong and for the past few days Phred has been in a happy blur with her new boyfriend, Nate.
Will they live happily ever after?
Only time will tell.
But rest assured, Phred will tell you all what she has to share.

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