Thursday, July 10, 2014

A Change Of Scenery

So I've noticed that lately all of our posts have had SOMETHING to do with romantic relationships, one way or another, so I've decided to write a completely different(before I inevitably go write a gooey romance post) I'm writing a post about...
Yep. The awesome oldies. So for the past month or so my dad has been volunteering at a local nursing home to teach them watercolor painting(which my dad is pretty beastly at). I've recently begun going with him and helping out, a.k.a. letting them do a little then doing most of the work for them, then letting them believe they did it and telling them you love it. It's very satisfying. I'm going to tell you a couple of stories about them and a little about who they are, and because they're nice old people who probably don't care, I'm not changing names. I'll start with Miss Margret. Miss Margret is a hoot, She's always wearing a big hat and lots of Marti Gras style beads and carrying a little wallet/purse thing around as she wheels around in her wheel chair. We painted impressionist roses one week, and dad said "alright, just do some squiggley lines a somewhat of a circle." and naturally Miss Margret did lines in what could only be the most un-circular manner possible, but she's so sweet you just have to answer 'it's perfect' when she asks how you like it. I'm running short on fumes, so I'll just tell you about one other awesome oldster before I sign out. Her name is Miss Virginia, and she's not even a resident at the home. According to the nurses, her husband and son died there, and her daughter is a current resident,  but she won't live there. She comes by three times a day and eats every meal there, and now takes our painting class. She'd probably got the best actual skills of the group of oldies, aside from one man. She's adorable. 
Well folks, that's all for now. 

Love Love,

Phrank Mc.

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