Friday, July 25, 2014

Moral Of The Story, Never Go On Omegle

This post contains material probably not appropriate for the eyes of small things.
Also, if you are Phrank's sister, you have been warned to not ever speak of this.

So today I was super bored with no one to talk to.
 So I was like "I have a brilliant idea, I'll go on omegle" 
So there I am with "likes" such as "Doctor who" or "sherlock" or "mlp" 
Then suddenly I get connected with some dude cause we both have doctor who on our interests.
 I'm on video chat because you know, REASONS
 (No, not those reasons, stop thinkin bout dem reasons)
 And this dude doesn't have video which is a normal thing so I kept talking to him (he claimed to be 17, but ya know he was probably like 12) 
and he starts flirting with me and talking about my hair which is nice cause like, I love my hair and when other people like it it's like awesome.
*uses the word "like" way too much*
 But eventually I was like 
"Bro, I got a boyfriend" 
and he was like "Oh. How big is his dick? :P" 
 Like, I don't even know about this dude. 
And this is kinda funny so I keep bantering with him cause I'm fucking bored and then he's like
 "You didn't answer so it must be small" 
For real. 
What's your deal? 
So I make a circle with my hand that I don't even know how accurate it was cause like I've only ever seen pictures of his penis, but I did it just to get him to stop. 
And he's like "how long?" And at this point I want to laugh my ass off but I can't cause I got my webcam here staring at me. 
So I was like "I'm not talking to you about my boyfriends penis" 
And I should have seen it coming with how mature he was but he was said "You already have"
I don't even know,
I'm like tired and weirded out but I've done nothing interesting lately so I don't disconnect like I should have.
And so I just say " I'm not telling you any more, it's mine :P" 
Cause at this point I'm past the point of decency and into claiming my boyfriends penis as my own.
Which it is, but shut up.
And so he takes a different approach and says 
"Ok, tell me about you. Are you hairy shaved or waxed?"
And this is where I drew the line.
Not that I disconnected, I was still bored as hell.
And maybe having a little fun.
But there was an awkward exchange of 
Me: "Ima go now"
Omegle Perv: "You should have done that a while ago"
Me: "Yup." *disconnects
So yeah.
Never go on omegle.

- Phrank McSparrow

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