Thursday, August 7, 2014


So last night I went bowling with my favorite people (minus Le Copain) instead of going to our youth group which is on hold till next wednesday.
It was fun, although I wanted to cry when I said something too loud and pissed off another bowler.
No one cares.
Anyway, on the 2-3 minute ride through my apartment complex with my friend (whom I'll call Angel) about labels.
Which is something I've always gotten mixed up about a lot in the past year or two.
Jumping between labels I put on myself (emo, lesbian, weird, introvert, bisexual, scene, etc.) which were sometimes wrong, sometimes right. 
And labels I felt like other people gave me (Scary chick, know it all, asshole, creeper, etc.).
I never really had a real way to describe myself.
I tend to find myself in the middle of a spectrum when the names I should use are fairly black and white.
I know I'm bisexual/pansexual, that's fairly easy.
But when I come to things like introvert or extrovert, outgoing or quiet, happy or sad, things are never so black and white.
Which isn't a problem with me.
Until I someone asks which I am.
It's not a very common topic to come up when I talk to my friend in person, but online people often try to understand who you are by how you describe yourself.
And it gets me thinking I should probably be somewhere on this spectrum, where am I?
But I can never figure out where I am.
But the more I think about it, I really don't know of anyone that I know well that I can label.
I can say Phrank is a pretty quiet girl, but that's only true if you don't know her.
I can say Nate is loud and kinda annoying (I love him for it, but still), but he can also be sweet and quiet.
On a larger scale, up until about a month ago I would have said Angel was a cis girl, but as I got more into LGBTQ rights and learned more (especially from her) I learned she was androgynous (She can correct me if I'm wrong) and sometimes feels like a girl, a boy, both or neither.
I'm not quite sure where I'm going with this post except with some very good advice I got on that car ride to my apartment from that amazing friend of mine:

Don't label yourself.
Do/like/wear/say/be whatever or whoever you want.
But don't label yourself.
Because you won't regret doing it as much as trying to label it.

I'll expand on that a bit by saying when you try to label who you are, you subconsciously (or consciously even) try to fit yourself into that label.
And that's gonna hold back who you really are.
Forget who people tell you you are, or even who you tell yourself you are.
Because you're a lot more than that.
The only label you should give yourself is "Fucking Awesome"
Because that's the only one you'll always fit into completely.
So with that said, I'm gonna go do my makeup, play some video games, maybe watch MLP and hopefully have an excuse to punch someone in the face.
Try to figure me out from that sentence BITCH.

- Phrank McSparrow

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