Saturday, December 28, 2013

Meeting Ms Phrank

            Hello lovelies! I may come off as a cheery preppy maniac, but I promise I'm not! Well, I'm not a cheery preppy person, no promises on the maniac part. As you may have noticed, my blogging name will henceforth be Phrank McSparrow, and I will be blogging with my sister in crime, Phred McSparrow. Let me tell you a little about us, although since Phreddie has already introduced herself it will mostly be about me(oh, joy*no enthusiasm whatsoever*). As Phred mentioned, our names are obviously not Phrank and Phred McSparrow, actually not even close. Unfortunately we are not actually sisters, but I'm much closer to Phred than my actual sister, so we made our own little family, the McSparrows. How we got the names (Phrank and Phred) is not actually as long of a story and she says. It starts like this:
I was a young potterhead, and I had a brand new best friend, whom I was already closer to than anyone. One day after church (I know what you're thinking: 'But Phred says she's an atheist?', well, at the time she wasn't officially, and we went to church together, which is where we met) we decided we needed nicknames. Being the Nerd Girl I am, my mind immediately went to my favorite of the favorites, Fred Weasley. It caught on, and somehow I ended up as Frank. But, being the young weirdos we are, we decided to start them with Ph's instead of F's. Now, where we got McSparrow from, I can't recall. Possibly Pirates of The Caribbean's Captain Jack Sparrow.  
And now a bit about me. 
Where to start? Same place as Phreddie I guess. I'm a fourteen year old christian(not the judgey kind, I promise. For Pete's sake, my best friend is an atheist, and my sister's hair has been nearly every color of the rainbow), straight as of I guess forever, I do have a boyfriend as of a little over two months ago, and this is my first actual romantic relationship ever, so I'll let you know how it goes; I am a huge Fangirl, in the fandoms of Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Sherlock, and more recently Supernatural. I also enjoy watching the Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Duck Dynasty(yeah yeah I know), Faceoff, Naked Vegas, and others. Music! My favorite band is GreenDay, I also listen to Fall Out Boy(not there new stuff-Pheonix and light 'em up and such irritate me), Panic! at the Disco, Bowling For Soup, All Time Low, The All American Rejects, and a touch of Jason Mraz once in a while. I read a lot. Harry Potter, Warm Bodies, and The Fault In Our Stars to name a couple. that's it for now.
signing off,

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