Tuesday, December 31, 2013


I have a thing with boobs.

 It's not anything weird, I promise. It's negative thoughts, actually. In this past week I've had two girls under the age of 5 tell me about their "Tiny Boobs". When did toddlers become aware of boobs?? When I was that age I didn't know and honestly didn't care why there was pink circles on my chest. But lately I've been so self conscious about them. At 13, I shouldn't be worried about my small B36 cup, or the fact that my left breast is smaller then my right. I'm still developing! So why do I believe I need to be perfect now? A day or two ago I found myself looking up how to "Increase your bra size"
Ok, yeah, it's not an uncommon thing for middle schooler's to want bigger breasts. 
But little girl that are year's from even starting to develop?
That's not what I want my future daughters to think about. I'd want them wearing play heels, not bra's.
I want them begging for ballet lessons, not breasts.
90 or so years ago. women bought flattener bra's because small boobs were fashionable.
More recently there was a time when a three year old girl wouldn't care about their flat chest's.
I, honestly, will just wait it out and hope for the best, because with my luck this is the way I'll stay. In the end, boobs are pleasing for women and men. Well, maybe not homosexual men.
Little girls;
Boob envy;
Not Good

 Not that they aren't the best thing on earth when you get older.

- Phred

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