Monday, December 30, 2013

Ouija Fun (Parte Uno)

Ello folks. Phrankie here. 
let me start at the top. My family is pretty haunted. Seeing apparitions, hearing EVPs, things moving independently, the whole bit. But each of those are there own stories, to be told later. Anyways, a few months ago, sometime before Halloween, we bought a Ouija board(A wee-gee board, for anyone as confused about the spelling/pronunciation as I was), with the intent to use it on October 31st with my aunt, but of course we never actually pinned her down to come over. So, yesterday, we decided to watch Insidious: Chapter 2. Naturally, I haven't seen the first one. Now, You have to understand that I don't really watch 'horror' movies that often. I don't scare easy, but when I do, it usually bring humiliation my way, so I tend to avoid situations where it is a possibility. You also have to understand that I laughed at Insidious: Chapter 2. It was a scary movie, I promise. But I laughed,  and quite a bit. Of  course, having my brother saying "look, I'm Wolverine!" with veggie straws between his fingers probably didn't help. My brother being an 18 year old look-alike of a young Leonardo Decaprio probably didn't help either. 
Aaaanyways, I'm getting of track. 
Ghosts. Haunted. Paranormal movies. Ouija boards. Right.
Well, after watching Insidious 2, we all got to talking and decided to use the Ouija Board tonight. This whole post was basically to build up anticipation, so I could post the results of our little 'session' with excitement. 
I think.  I dunno, I'm going to go now before I rant. 
Bye bye bye readers,

To vaguely quote one Hazel  Grace Lancaster, there are some things you like that you feel like broadcasting your affection for is betraying, and our expierience last night was as so.
Having said that all things done last night are classified until further notice

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