Wednesday, January 22, 2014

11 Things We Hate That People Say

Hey guys, Phred here. So I decided to make a list of things I hate that people say. Phrank and I worked together to make this! Here it is:

1. It's Nothing, I'm Fine.
   No! I'm taking the time out of my freaking day to find out what's wrong, don't make me beg! I want to know what's wrong so I can help!

2. Not To Offend You, But...
    Usually followed by something extremely offensive.

3. You're Just Doing That To Get Attention.
    Yeah, I'm being a f*cking bisexual which I have to hide from everyone for the attention. I'm really happy with the attention I get from the two friends I have told. I love being told I look like a crack head from my own freaking family for wearing dark makeup. I'm so sure.

4. The Right One Will Come Along Eventually
    If I'm ranting about not having a boyfriend/girlfriend I really just want you to sympathize with me, I don't want to be told prince charming will come.

5. F*ck, Sh*t, D*mn, B*tch, B*stard, F*ggot
    Every other freaking word. If your everyday sentence looks like this "Can you go to the d*mn store and pick up some f*cking milk and sh*t? Here's the keys, b*stard." then you have something you need to work out. It's even worse when the cussing is forced and you can tell it is. 

6.  It'll Make Sense When You Have Your Own Kids
     No, I don't think it will. I don't think hitting a child is sufficient discipline, also I will never have so many kids that I can't afford to do things like vacations. And I will never homeschool them.

7.  I Hang Out With Guys 'Cause It's Less Drama
     Really? Because last time I checked, having one gay boy as a friend is soooo not hanging out with guys. Even if you do hang out with guys, don't be like that girl. If you honestly hang out with guys because it's less drama you won't need to go prancing it around in peoples face. Plus, sometimes throwing a girl into a mix of guys can be more drama then a bunch of girls unless you're basically a man in a woman's body.

8. I Know How You Feel.
   Really? You ever  been in my exact situation? EXACT? Didn't think so. Come back when you've suddenly stolen all of my memories and life experiences

9. Boom, Roasted!
    Um, no. Do I look like a slow cooked piece of beef to you? Being proved wrong on one thing doesn't require you to get in my face and state the status of last night's dinner.

10. Guys Don't Pay Attention To Me Cause I'm Not Hot.
      This is just fishing for compliments, and the worst kind of compliment you can get is one you had to ask for

11. I Love Glasses! I'd Wear Them All The Time If I Could!
      Haha no. You think it's cool to have to pieces of glass infront of your eyes 24/7?!? Try doing anything           that requires water.Guess what? Can't see. Got a swimming pool? To bad, you'll be blind in it. Glasses         are not fricking fun or 'cool'. Being visually impaired is irritating, not admirable.

So here's the top eleven things that we hate that people say! What things do you hate that people say? Tell us in the comments! Thanks for reading, and have a hateful day ;)

                                           - Phrank and Phred

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