Monday, January 20, 2014

The Pillow of Amazing Sleep

Wassup my weirdos. I am bored, again(shocker). And when I'm bored, I figure sharing my thoughts and stories isn't a bad thing to do. Anyways, I'm telling a story now. So Saturday my parents went to Sam's Club and bought themselves new pillows. Being the first child in their room after opening said pillows, Mom offered three of their old ones to me. A huge score for me, seeing as I have two beds, and previously only owned two usable pillows. Having taken the pillows to my room, I proceeded to smash my face into them to decide which to put on the bed I use, and which to put on the 'guest bed'(really's Phred's bed, being as she's the only one in a year who's slept in it). Then I made an astounding discovery: the most comfortable of the pillows smelled like my Dad's cologne! Now, I understand that the smell of cologne makes some people want to vomit. However, it is among the top ten of my favorite smells ever. At the time, I was texting my boyfriend, and in my excitement I told him what I've just told you. He responded by saying something along the lines that it was a comfort/safety thing, and that he found it in sound and touch. Being the wonderful, caring girlfriend that I am, I pointed out that what he'd said was very vague, and that that could mean he found comfort in the screeches of dying bats and being slapped with a steel gauntlet. I think he laughed. After saying goodnight, and putting PJ's on, the whole procedure, I laid down and went to sleep. The next morning I discovered that not only did the pillow smell amazing and was extremely comfortable, I discovered that it produces the best night's sleep I've ever had. And it does so every night. It's amazing.
Sorry for the dramatic ending. I'm still working on those. Anywho, I've got to go check on another project Phreddie and I have been working on, called the Adventures of Og and Igga, coming soon to a blog near you. Also, we have a new layout! Give us some feedback, our email address conveniently located on the right side of your screen. That's all for now.
Next time,
Phrank M.

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