Sunday, January 5, 2014

Funny( and slightly stupid) thoughts of the *amount of time since the last time I posted*

I, phrank, have decided to start a segment about dumb things I have heard throughout my daily life. 
This is installment no.1
(Names changed for reasons. You're sensible, figure the reasons out yourself)

Thing number one:
My sister said dranken in a sentence. For those of you who are confused, dranken is not a word. My mum's iPad keeps correcting it to Frankenstein. 

Thing number two: this joke my brother said.
"How do bees keep their hair clean?" *insert awkward silence* "with a honey comb."

Thing number three: this thing that happened to my cousin. 
My aunt was at my house, and she brought my youngest two cousins. My youngest cousin is fifteen and has a girlfriend. After checking the time, he set his phone on our coffee table. My aunt, seeing his background picture, asked "Kenny, ( again, names changed) is that justin beiber?!"( referring to his background pic). His response: "That's my GIRLFRIEND."

That's all folks. 


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