Thursday, February 13, 2014

Best Friend Tag

Hey guys, Phred here, with Phrank on the other end of the phone.
We're going to do the best friend tag!
Basically I'll ask a question and we both have to answer for the other (Example: favorite food, Phrank has to guess/remember my favorite food)
So here we go:

When and how did you meet?

Phrank : End of 2011 beginning of 2012 at church.
Phred: Pretty much, I don't remember specifics.

First impressions of one another?

Phred: I don't remember.
Phrank: You were a slightly odd typical middle  schooler who needed to put a Fricking shirt on I mean come on you always wore a cami and it was winter
Phred: Hey, at least I wasn't that chick who had short shorts on, no matter the occasion

Eachothers nicknames:

Phred: Ginger, Gingy, Gin, George Mr Periwinkle, Phrank
Phrank : Phred, Mer... Uh, I'm having a brain fart

Describe each other in one word:

Phred: Awesome
Phrank : Weirdo
Phred: I change my word to butthead

Favorite singer?

Phred: for you I'd have to say Billy Joe Armstrong of Greenday. 
Phrank : I've got like three, and he is one. P!nk or Freddy Mercury for you.
Phred : P!nk is spot on.

Who is most likely to be drunk?

Phrank: You.
Phred: Me.

Favorite thing to do together?

Phred: Sleep overs, really late. Thats when the inside jokes are made
Phrank: Talking blankets or late night inside joke creating

Dream Jobs:
Phred: Yours would be a Veterinary technician (Well, I technically said veterinarian or something, she corrected me)
Phrank: Yours is singing?
Phred: Music or writing.

Favorite makeup brand:

Phrank: Uh, I don't think I know any makeup brands. Does Avon make makeup?
Phred: What is Avon?

Something that annoys you about the other person:

Phrank: Your height (I- Phred- am at least 6 inches taller than her)
Phred: Your lack of ability to do anything that resembles being feminine.
Phrank: I do feminine things!
Phred: You don't wear makeup, heels, dresses, go to dances, or do girly things.
Phrank: I wear my wedge boots a lot, I went to a dance, and we talk about guys. That counts.

If we could go anywhere in the world together, where and why?

Phrank: British Isles because actors and shows and stuff.
Phred: Um, London so we could get a flat and things. We can bring Danny too.
(Danny is Phrankie's gentleman friend who's name has been changed for security reasons)

Favorite inside joke.

Phrank: Some things about this *pulling hand motion* and... Michael?
Phred: Yeah, me too.
(Michael was a two year crush of mine, and for the first few months of mine and Phranks friendship a mutual crush. Obviously due to her aforementioned boyfriend, he is no longer an interest of hers, nor mine. I resent him for not noticing me)

Who takes longer to get ready?

Phred: You
Phrank: I was gonna say you... Once I'm awake I'm good in five.
Phred: I am as well, and you take much longer to wake up.
Phrank: Only when I don't want to get up.
Phred: You never want to get up.

Favorite season?

Phrank: Spring?
Phred: INCORRECT. It's fall. Summer for you?
Phrank: Late spring, early summer.

Favorite song:

Phrank: That one by P!nk you posted about? (FYI, Phrank, it's called Stupid Girls.)
Phred: No, Switchfoots Meant to Live, but I'll give it to you since it just recently changed. Remembering Sunday for you?
Phrank: Remembering Sunday or I'm Yours.

Heels or Flats?

Phred: Flats (Well, I said heels, but only because I was reading the word at the time.)
Phrank: Heels?
Phred: Flats, I wouldn't give up my combat boots for anything.

Pants or dresses?

Phred: You are pants.
Phrank: I am. I am pants like batman is the night.
Phred: Yeah, hon ok.
Phrank: HAHA, yours is pants (Pants, right?)

Favorite animal:

Phred: Dog because Jobe (Jobe is her dog whom she loves more than her boyfriend.)
Phrank: Dog for you.
Phred: Wrong, gerziminilfitch (Watch out for the Adventures Of Og And Igga, for more on the gerziminilfitch)
Phrank: Well if we're talking about mythical creatures yours is wrong too.
Phred: Fine, unicorns for you.
Phrank: Still wrong. hipocampi or girziminalfitch (There is great debate on with is is girzininilfitch or gerziminalfitch.)

If your house was burning down and you entire family was sure to be ok, what would you save and why?

Phred: Jobe, because Jobe.
Phrank: (There was some complication and apparently Phrank didn't know I had cats.) YOU HAVE CATS? I guess them or your computer or your phone.
Phred: My cats are alive, my computer means nothing you little mother dog (Hehe, substitute bad word, so funny)

Comedy, horror, or chick-flick?

Phrank: Horror or comedy?
Phred: Chick-flick, actually. Dirty pleasure. Comedy?
 Phrank: Yeah. Chick flick, huh?

Blackberry or IPhone?

Phred: Um, IPhone?
Phrank: Yes. Yours is IPhone, right?
Phred: Yes.

Favorite movie?

Phrank: Oh, I know this one. It's the one movie with the song you quote a lot.
Phred: The....?
Phrank: (Apparently still trying to remember) What is your answer?
Phred: Frozen?
Phrank: Theres like a hundred. Frozen s probably on the list. OH, Brave?
Phred: No. It's the Point
Phrank: Totally knew that.
Phred: Mmm, hmm...

Something weird that you eat?

Phred: Didn't we eat potato chips dipped in ketchup once?
Phrank: Uh, yeah? That's like a normal people food.
Phred: No it isn't.

What are your weird habits?
Phred: You "reflexively" hit people
Phrank: You wear clothes you say you like and then complain about them.

Finally, who do you assume will have more right answers?

Phrank: I think we'll be pretty even.
Phred: I think I'll win.

So that concludes that. Do you feel like you know us more?
I feel like we've all bonded, the three of us.
Three being you, Phrank and me.
The final scores ended with me being 3 points ahead of Phrank.
I am the better friend.
So do you think it should be spelled Gerziminil\lfitch or Gerziminalfitch?
Tell us in the comments.Subscribe and stuff as well!
As always, I love you guys, good night.

- Phred

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