Friday, February 14, 2014

Yeah, Valentines, Woo....

Ok, I know I'm not the only single person out there. 
 But Phrank has a boyfriend, so why don't I?
Too bad I live in a Christian community where all the girls are fairly happy to be single and "devote their time to god"
I assume it's just an excuse to not have anyone on this day of hearts and gross.
Since I have nothing better to do, here's a list of things for a lonely single person to do on Valentines Day:

1. Watch all the Doctor Who minisodes
Go on youtube and look up Doctor Who minisodes. I know right?! So much Who we've been missing!

2. Text/piss off your single friends
Who cares if they think you're hitting on them?

3. Tell your best friend she's a total butt hole for having a boyfriend
Not that I'm not happy she's found someone, but... WHY DID SHE GET ONE BEFORE ME?!?!
Oh yeah, she's likeable...

4. Dream about your future husband/wife
Think about what you want, your priorities, basically imagine your whole life together.
(Note; If one of your priorities involves them not being a text talker, you might need to get over that.
I learned that the hard way...) 

5. Write fanfiction. Yes, even the gross sexual kind.
Just, for the love of Gallifrey, don't post it online.

6. Find some friends to do something with
Go skating, bowling, see a movie. But don't go with just one friend. Especially of the opposite sex.

7. Alternately, do go with one person of the opposite sex
Go see how many couples discounts you can get. I don't know if businesses do that, but you can try.

8. Crash a Valentines party
Hate all those lovey dovey people playing spin the bottle and the endlessly skinny girls who can eat all the reese's candy they want and not gain a single freaking pound?
Crash their party.

9. Wonder why in the heck guys don't like you
 I mean, come on, you're like the coolest person ever, right?

10. Get a boyfriend/girlfriend
No matter how disgusting it may be, love is in the air as single guys and girls everywhere are moping about not having a significant other.
You might just be the person to end their moping.

1 comment:

  1. ACTUALLY, I found the original drawing of the very first girziminalfich, and it is in fact spelled with an 'a'. (The girziminalfich's creation is a long story, I'll write it up later. I'll try to include my drawings)
    ~~ Phrank Mc.
