Thursday, February 27, 2014

7 Things To Do Months Before Prom

Phredrick here, all my lovelies!
So my home school "prom" (more like a big dance that is a bit more formal than others) is coming up.
I don't have my dress yet or know what I'm trying to get at with my look.
I've already started preparing, and you can too.
So here are 7 things you can do months before prom.

1. Whiten Your Teeth

When you're dancing with someone, you're close to them.
When you're close to someone, they see your teeth.
When your teeth are yellow it's gross.
When it's gross it gets awkward.
When it gets awkward you become the target of jokes from one of the kids that can't get a dance for any reason (aka, ME)

2. Facials!

They are awesome, they make your skin smooth and clean and remove pimples and all the good stuff!!
Once a week every week before prom, use a face mask.
By the time prom comes around you'll have the smoothest face on the dance floor.

3. Grow Out Your Nails
Nails are sexy, and when you're like me and bite them off, it can get saddening.
So stop biting your nails, they don't even taste good!

4. Learn To Dance
 Even a simple box dance is good.
 You'll be out dancing competently while other girl hang on to boys necks and sway back and forth.
Seriously, this is boring, learn something new.

5. Do Something Drastic (To Your Hair)
Cut it! Color it! Cutesy it!
Your hair is one part of you that is easy to change and easy to get back, be creative.
If you're not comfortable changing it so drastically, get a wig!
Maps Of Beauty wigs are cheap and good quality, but remember to wash it to get the wigy-ness out of it!
If it's synthetic, dish detergent works like shampoo and fabric softener like conditioner.
If it's human hair, use a special wig shampoo and conditioner.
Also, read this on How To Apply A Wig!

6. Do Something Drastic (With Your Body)
Get a piercing, tattoo, or contacts.
All these things make small changes but in big ways. Piercings anywhere but your ears will make you seem punk (GO PUNK!) and wearing contacts may make people think you're not confident in your looks, but hey...

7. Be Confident
Confidence is sexy, no matter who you are.
Love Lolita? Wear Lolita.
Love princesses? Wear a princess dress.
Love combat boots? Wear combat boots.
Read creepy pastas before bed? You're my best friend.
Be confident in who you are and those combat boots or those frills aren't combat boots or frills.
They are you.

So, I hope you liked this, hope you got something out of it and I hope you had fun reading.
What is your pre-dance routine?
Tell us in the comments!
As awlays, I love all my bunnies, but sleep awaits, and I have a little something in mind for my dreams.
So until next time,
Phreddie is gone.

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