Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Crushing On Cartoons Is NOT Weird!

Phred here, again. I'll have Phrank post all in good time, but for now she's been busy.
I've been "talked to" on her privacy, so I won't say anything until she spills.
I love lists, so here are the cartoon characters that I fell in love with through the ages.
From the youngest I can remember, here they are:

Wakko Warner (Animaniacs)

I was always a sucker for accents, especially a Liver Pool accent (The fab four, anyone?)
I always liked him, and now re-watching the show I still love him, along with some others from the show.

Johnny Test (Johnny Test)
As I got older I realized I probably should be attracted to human being. 
Not that I starting liking real humans...
No, I opted for cartoon humans.

Ace (The PowerPuff Girls)
Apparently I couldn't keep my hands off non-humans cartoons.
This was my first crush on a "bad boy" Or so I thought.
He was honestly the only vaguely cute one in the Gang Green Gang I could find.

Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
this is my most justifiable crush. Because, lets be honest, Zuko is sexy.
once he grew out his hair he was the single most sexy character in the whole story.

Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Another character from Avatar: the Last Airbender, Sokka is commonly the comic relief, making him the character everyone loves to see get into mischief.
Note that his sexiest moment was in the earth kingdom who's name I don't recall. But he was shirtless and most importantly his hair was down, which is undoubtedly his cutest state.
Also, for your enjoyment, this picture

Ty Lee (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

Ty Lee is fun loving, optimistic and not deserving of the "bad guy" title.
She is obviously extremely straight, otherwise she would be my girlfriend.
You know, if she was real.

Shigure Sohma (Fruits Basket/ Faruba)
Now getting in to the more recent stuff Shigure is adorably carefree with a slight dark side we don't see in the anime.
He is a romance author so undoubtedly amazing in bed (Sorry, I had to say it.)

Sedusa (PowerPuff Girls)  
With a name like that, you can't NOT be sexy.
It was only recently I realized she's a dominatrix.
Sorry if I just ruined some childhoods.

Hello Nurse (Animaniacs)
Playing the bad nurse part super hard (No pun intended) I wouldn't mind having her check me up.

Harley Quinn (Batman)
Ok, I like horror stories.
I also like sexy people.
Horrifying sexy ladies are awesome.
Which brings me to my next character:

Poison Ivy (Batman)

Dat Body.
Enough said.

The Winner Of The Sexiest Cartoon I Have Been Attracted To In My Life Time Is....

Elsa (Frozen)

So by this point I'll apologize to Phrank for filling this post with pictures of sexy ladies.
But I just had to add Elsa.
She Is Lady-like, regal, and knows when to be serious.
But she's also fun and only wants the best for the people she loves.
She is secretly scared which helps all of us who have to appear in control to relate.
Yet, in the end, she defeats her fears and returns to the her people to carry on.
The best part?
She doesn't have any love interest, meaning...


We clearly see Oaken (Frozen, Oaken's trading post (And sauna) having a husband, so marriage equality is even working its way into Disney.
Perhaps we'll see a Frozen sequal, and Elsa will be sweeping her own Princess off her feet.

Whats your biggest cartoon crush? Tell us in the comments.

Until we meet again, Phred is out.

Sunday, March 16, 2014


Hello guys, sorry I've been gone so long. We had another big ice storm, and I was out of town so i haven't had much access to el computador as of late. To recap my recent activities? Let me start at where I went out of town. I went to le Gatlinburg with my lovely boyfriend and his family (A.K.A his mom, his sister whom I'll call Krista, who is 18-19 with a baby, his other sister whom I'll call Sam, who is 7-9, and his niece who was like 8 months). I don't really know how all to recap the trip, so I'll just say this: I advise that you have your first kiss with someone who has previously had their first kiss, otherwise the first attempt ends in laughing and awkward tension in the air to thick to cut with a Kut-Co knife. After the return from Gatlinburg? Came home to no power, so me and la familia stayed at my aunt's for nearly a week. Yeah. Such fun. Very homey. Not. I feel like a doge meme. THINMAN! Anybody heard of thinman? He's creepy. Hint, he's also not real. Yah yah, I see tha thinmahn hee-yah todahy. bad swedish. I'm ranting. I'm also running on to little sleep. I'm going to gooooo. bye. 
Love love,

Phrank Mc. 

Useless inventions

Okay,  Phrank here. Now, in my seemingly short almost fifteen years, I've seen some pretty dumb inventions advertised. So today, whilst watching one of my favorite shows (A.K.A Supernatural), and yet again I saw a commercial for one of the most useless things(in my mind at least) and decided to make a list of it and every other useless invention I can think of, and I will be rate them on a star rating system of * to *****. (one star being least dumb, five being most)

1. That dumb Lysol hands-free soap dispenser. 
Let's face it, this was probably made with very good intentions, and a lot of people most likely think it's genius.  But come on, why on earth does it matter if you get a few germs on your hands because you pumped the handle? If you're using the soap dispenser, shouldn't you be about to wash your hands anyways? Therefore washing off any germs you could have picked up from the soap. Verdict? Good intentions, but not thought through.
Rating? ****

2. Big Mouth Singing Bass. 
These things are basically plastic taxidermy bellowing parodies of classic rock whilst flopping around on a plaque on your wall. They provide hours of time wasting entertainment. Oh, who am I kidding. These things are great.
Rating? **

3. the "Cami Secret".
 A triangle of fabric you clip onto your bra to cover your dirty pillows(that's right, Carrie reference)!!! Bonus! if you look at one not currently in use, it looks like half a super plus sized thong!
Rating? ***

4.  The Trendy Top.
To put it in in the most basic words, the trendy top is the bottom half of a shirt, which you put UNDERNEATH your shirt, to cover your butt crack. My personal opinion is that if you really need this that badly, either get a longer shirt because yours obviously doesn't fit, or maybe you should get some less low-rising jeans.  But hey, put it on with your Cami Secret and you've just about got a full cami!
Rating? ***

5. Hipster Glasses.
I really don't think you want me to get into my deep-seated hatred for the 'style' of wearing glasses because you think they're hot. And how to make them out as useless so that they actually belong on this list? They serve the wearer no purpose but making me despise them.
Rating? *****

Hope you enjoyed!!! Keep watch for more additions!!!
Love Love,
Phrank Mc.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Things You'll Find An Atheist Doing At A Youth Group

It may come as a surprise but sometimes we do go to church.
we do have Christian friends.
So sometimes we end up going to their youth group so we can hang out with them.
Here's some things you'll probably find an atheist doing at a youth group:
Making Sex Jokes (As Long As The Leaders Can't Hear)

Cussing (Then Trying To Cover It Up)
A few weeks ago, I got halfway into saying "f**k" before saying fudge sickles instead.
No one was fooled.

Rolling Their Eyes During Service Like...
No, no, I've never done this...

Wearing Gay Pride Clothing... Whether They're Gay Or Not

I did a search for "Gay Pride bracelet" and guess who owns this:
I've called it my gay pride bracelet, never knew that's what it really was.
Bringing Up Statistics Like This
Being Bummed 'Cause All The Cute Guys Are So Saved
No guys or girls that are just like "Yeah, atheist, I'm cool with that."
Not Praying
I would be the kid by the tree.

Hanging With Their Christian Friends
 Faith shouldn't be an issue in relationships.
I don't care if you think a man in the sky said poof and you were born or if you hope your next life will be as a cow.
If you're my friend, you're my friend.
As long as you're cool that I don't know nor care where we came from, then I think we'll get along just fine.

- Yours Truly, Phredrick McSparrow.