Sunday, March 16, 2014


Hello guys, sorry I've been gone so long. We had another big ice storm, and I was out of town so i haven't had much access to el computador as of late. To recap my recent activities? Let me start at where I went out of town. I went to le Gatlinburg with my lovely boyfriend and his family (A.K.A his mom, his sister whom I'll call Krista, who is 18-19 with a baby, his other sister whom I'll call Sam, who is 7-9, and his niece who was like 8 months). I don't really know how all to recap the trip, so I'll just say this: I advise that you have your first kiss with someone who has previously had their first kiss, otherwise the first attempt ends in laughing and awkward tension in the air to thick to cut with a Kut-Co knife. After the return from Gatlinburg? Came home to no power, so me and la familia stayed at my aunt's for nearly a week. Yeah. Such fun. Very homey. Not. I feel like a doge meme. THINMAN! Anybody heard of thinman? He's creepy. Hint, he's also not real. Yah yah, I see tha thinmahn hee-yah todahy. bad swedish. I'm ranting. I'm also running on to little sleep. I'm going to gooooo. bye. 
Love love,

Phrank Mc. 

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