Saturday, March 8, 2014

Things You'll Find An Atheist Doing At A Youth Group

It may come as a surprise but sometimes we do go to church.
we do have Christian friends.
So sometimes we end up going to their youth group so we can hang out with them.
Here's some things you'll probably find an atheist doing at a youth group:
Making Sex Jokes (As Long As The Leaders Can't Hear)

Cussing (Then Trying To Cover It Up)
A few weeks ago, I got halfway into saying "f**k" before saying fudge sickles instead.
No one was fooled.

Rolling Their Eyes During Service Like...
No, no, I've never done this...

Wearing Gay Pride Clothing... Whether They're Gay Or Not

I did a search for "Gay Pride bracelet" and guess who owns this:
I've called it my gay pride bracelet, never knew that's what it really was.
Bringing Up Statistics Like This
Being Bummed 'Cause All The Cute Guys Are So Saved
No guys or girls that are just like "Yeah, atheist, I'm cool with that."
Not Praying
I would be the kid by the tree.

Hanging With Their Christian Friends
 Faith shouldn't be an issue in relationships.
I don't care if you think a man in the sky said poof and you were born or if you hope your next life will be as a cow.
If you're my friend, you're my friend.
As long as you're cool that I don't know nor care where we came from, then I think we'll get along just fine.

- Yours Truly, Phredrick McSparrow.

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