Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Lonely Christmas

Merry Christmas.
From the bottom of my heart, Merry Christmas.
On this day I never expected to be alone.
But now, sitting here I feel cold and alone.
The snow is all around me.
I can smell the turkey cooking on the other side of this wall.
I'm leaning on it to keep warm.
I've already knocked on the door and been told to get lost.
I thought Christmas was a day of giving?
I'm getting colder and colder by the minute.
Pulling my blanket tighter around me, the tips of my fingers are turning blue.
I'm so cold.
I remember last Christmas at my grandmothers house.
There was a big turkey and huge Christmas tree.
There were tons of presents under the tree, but my favorite one was a new white iPhone.
But now, with all the stores closed there's no shelter for me.
The only food I've gotten was some candy from the parade.
The best present was a fleece blanket I found on the side of the road.
I can't stop shivering.
I'm falling asleep when a little girl comes around the side of the house.
She looked at me and ran back inside.
Her mother came out and picked me up to bring me inside.
Everything is fuzzy and fading.
The last thing I heard while I was alive was someone calling 911.
The Last Christmas.
The Lonely Christmas.
Now I watch over the ones like me.
Alone on Christmas day.
Refused a place to stay.
I'm the warm wind air that keeps them alive.
And the chill you feel when you turn away a homeless child.
Christmas is a day of giving.
And I watch over the ones with nothing to give or take.
The ones with lonely Christmases.

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