Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Problems Of Phred McSparrow

I'm not being serious, so don't go off on me about how dumb my problems are.

So I'm kinda a weird kid.
Ok, I'm a really weird kid.
And I'm cool with that.
But being a weird kid means a lot of problems come up for me that'll never happen for some others.
And have and will continue to happen for some others.
But anywho, I'll continue with this post.
Hell, I might even categorize the areas of these problems.

Problems with having a quiet/antisocial best friend:

1# She won't go to dances.
Or dance with you.
Or anyone else for that matter.
Basically she refuses to shake her booty.

2# Conversations that go like this
Me: Come with me so I can flirt with boys.
Phrank: Uggghhh, nooooo.
Me: Pleeaassee.
Phrank: Wwwhhhyyy?
Me: 'Cause I can't do it alone.
Phrank: No.
Me: Please?
Phrank. No

3# I know everything about her.
But actually, I know nothing.
I couldn't tell you her favorite food, what she wants her wedding to be like, etc.
Yet, she probably knows all of that about me.

4#  She doesn't talk about herself much.
Meaning I talk about myself a lot.
And then I feel like shit.
Cause I'm only talking about myself.
Really tho.

5#  You can't stop loving her.
She's just too awesome

Problems With Being Single

1#  When someone I don't like hits on me,
I don't have any excuse to turn them down.
Besides saying I'm a lesbian.
But that doesn't work when the person asking you out is a chick.

2#  This meme:

3#  I give relationship advice all the time.
And yet...

Problems With Being A Blogger

1# When life happens, you are expected to give a report.
When life happens, it's hard to find time to give a report.
When life happens, it might hurt to give a report.

2# Looking at posts generally makes you feel like and idiot cause of you're me your posts are probably dumb.

3# But actually there's not that many downsides to blogging.
It's cool.

So this was a short post.
I just needed to lighten the atmosphere after the last post.
Until next time bunny baby cakes.

- Phred M.

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