Sunday, December 28, 2014


Before I say anything else I must say one thing:
I am not an interesting person. 
I don't do much of anything to write home about.
And yet, I am so cool
I legit can not explain how cool I am.
 I wear costumes all the time, just cause I feel like it, I watch anime and play games and I can cook.
I'm good-ish with makeup and crafting and I can start a fire with a battery and a gum wrapper (in theory).
And when such a cool, uninteresting person like me happens to be born... 
I have no idea where I'm going with this. 
The point is, no matter how uninteresting I am, I still have had a pretty eventful year, and I'm here to tell you about it.
 I won't,
Like phrankie, summerize each month. But instead I'll thank the people who were a part of my year.
Jenna: thank you for showing me that I have to be strong no matter what gets thrown at me. I cried for much too long over you, but never again will I do that.
Miss Ann & Danielle: thank you for showing me that although we disagree on many things, I can still love you, and other people who I may not see eye-to-eye with.
Andrew: Thanks for showing me that even if you may be a little weird in the head, you can still be awesome as fuck and an amazing person. Even though you scare the shit out of me sometimes.
Hanna: Oh lordy, how do I go about this. Thank you for not going out with me out of sympathy, and for being part of the reason Nathanuel broke up with me. Which is not sarcasm, I surely wasn't gonna do it.
Lizz: Babe. First off, love you. Moving on. Thank you for making me tolerate music I hate for the people I love. And for be my most physical wife, I love a girls touch. 
Ashley: Thank you for helping me to feel safe. When I first came to youth group I felt so unsafe. I had just been violently pushed out of the life of a girl I loved and I had built so many walls, so fast. But you were so happy and fun, you got me to remember that not everyone is going to hurt me. And some people do deserve to be trusted. Which brings me to.....
Peyton: thank you for showing me that people can lie so convincingly. And that trust is to be earned, not just given to a sweet-talking douchebag in disguise.
Nathanuel: oh god. Not sure what to say here. Well, thank you for being my first real boyfriend. And for not completely screwing me over. And thank you for teaching me to not make big decisions while on my period. And to not stay in a relationship that doesn't make me happy. And to not sulk over a breakup. Also, to not put up with bad kissers. No offense, but calm down with yo tongue.
Billy: thank you for being such a big support to me. For actually caring when I came out to my parents and not telling me I was going to hell. And telling me I had a place where I would be safe. I needed that.
David: thank you for introducing me to cool music, and just being awesome in general. Also for being one of the only guys to ask me to dance. That doesn't happen often.
POL Drama group: thank you so much for being so cool and so much fun, I felt so safe with everyone there and so at home. I love you guys.
Hunter: Ahhh, Hunter. Thank you for for talking to me that night at the help center, I was lonely and sad. Thank you for being the only boy to actually ask me on a date (I wish I didn't have to turn it down, damn my parents) and thank you for just talking to me. It helps a lot.
Phrank: oh Phrankie, how do I even start. Thank you for slapping me when I needed it and helping me up when other people make me fall so hard. Thank you for reminding me that I can't date certain boys, and encouraging me to talk to others. Thank you for putting up with me complain about my heels, or how long my makeup took. Thank you for obsessing with me over things and bringing me back to reality when i'm obsessing too much. Thank you for not being embarrassed when I dress up as random things. Thank you for putting up with my moody, stubborn, stupid, self. Thank you for letting me fall back on you when Jenna did what she did. Thank you for not giving up on me when I did stupid things, thank you for not letting me do severely stupid things. Thank you for letting me cry all over you, or listen to me cry on the phone. Thank you for being there when no one else was. Thank you, you have been the only thing has has kept me alive all this year, and I can't wait for another year with my amazing, lovely best friend.

So there it is.
I will be posting about the new year soon,
But for how it's 1AM and I need to be awake in four ish hours (from when I'm writing this, not when its posted. i'll post it later).
So, we shall part for now. 
Until next time my babies

- Phred M.

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