Friday, December 12, 2014

Phrankie never does what she's told

So you all know how recently, Phred posted a thing about her experiences on omegle and ended with "Moral of the story, never go on omegle."? Yeah well  no, I don't listen well. I mean, I do listen, but I'd heard so many stories about omegle, I was curious as to whether they were true. So I tried it. 
Relax, I have yet to do the whole video chat stuff. I'm blatantly avoiding it in case the stories of overly exposed people are true. Which they probably are. So I just do chat roulette.
Over all, my honest review of omegle is mixed. I've discovered there are pretty much three or four types of people on there. 

People Type 1: The Pervs

The name is pretty self explanatory. They are the perverted people who want nothing more than to get you to be nasty with them. I wish these people weren't so common. It's like every three  or four people are 18 year old guys asking about your booty. As I told a guy recently, "it is my booty and mine alone. Nobody gets access to it but me. Back off" You know what he said? "Smart girl. But I'm lookin for dumb girls." It's a real shame, because there are so many like that.  Seriously, four people asked what I looked like yesterday. Every time they do, it's pretty much instant disconnect. 

People Type 2: The "Cool"s

These people are pretty much like those acquaintances you've talked to twice, but somehow ended up with your phone number, and you wound up texting one day. Conversations with them literally go 
Them: "Hi'
Them:"How are you?"
You:"Good. You?"
Them:"Cool. I'm good."
Them:"I'm gonna go."
You:"Okay. Bye"
 Conversations with them never last long. Usually, the case is they're someone of your gender looking for someone not of your gender to be a Perv with. Sad, but true.

People Type 3: The Interesting Ones.

They are far and few between, but they are what I get on chat sites with strangers with.
These are the ones who are (mostly) genuinely good people, who you wind up having real conversations with. Just the other day, I was talking to a girl, and it wound up that once her friend accidentally shot her shoulder with a crossbow, and then it wound up she was mute, and then we wound up making plans to take over the world, her as The Mute Queen, and me as her evil-laugher, Empress Mwahaha. I would legitimately be friends with this chick, because she was so cool and fun. (And chicka if you, the mute queen, ever find yourself reading this, shoot me an email cause I'd talk to you again in a heartbeat.) 
Those are the people I strive to find.   
 They're the best. 
Weird thing is, they mostly pop up with Harry Potter as a common interest? Just saying, ma dear J.K. raised herself some polite squishies with those books of hers. 

People Type 4: the role players.

These people are pretty simple. They start the conversation with some long, pre-typed out message describing a scenario of various levels of intimacy, listing of a basic back story of their character, and requesting that you join in a one of two or three listed characters, or one of your own creation. Now, I'm sure this is probably a fun activity to join into, but for someone like me who takes ages to write a chapter in a story, or works on a blog post like this for a month or two,  I don't like it when people spring their preconceived ideas on me and tell me to join in immediately, so the role players never get much of a response out of me. Sorry guys.

And there you have it, that's it. the four most common omegle users. Consider this your guidebooklet if you're considering trying out one of these sites. Also, now you know that if you tell me not to do something, I will inevitably do it. just a friendly warning. 

'Tis all, 
Happy Holidays,

Phranklynn G. M. P.  McSparrow.

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