Thursday, December 4, 2014

I'm Never The First/I Don't Understand Men

Hey guys.
It's Phred.
Now, my posts have been pretty depressing lately.
But this time I'm pissed.
I don't understand guys.
I don't understand why I'm always the second.
I love Angel, I love her to death.
But somehow, whenever she turns down a guy, he comes to me.
And tries to date me.
All of them.
Every guy who ever tried to get with me.
They went for her first.
I understand she's prettier.
I understand she's the better option.
But I wish...
I wish I'd be the first.
I wish someone would look at both of us and say I'm the one they wanted.
This isn't against her.
It's not her fault.
She's gorgeous and fun and amazing.
And I'm not.
But I still don't understand.
I'm never the first.
I'm always the fallback.
And I'm so damn sick of it.
Of course, it's not a good idea to date me in the first place.
I'm 13 different kinds of fucked up.
But still.
Is there not one person that wants me over her?
Or any of my other friends.
I'm never the first.
I want to be the first.
I guess that's all I have to say for now.
- Phred M.

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