Sunday, December 28, 2014

Our First Year: A Summation (From Phrank's view)

Hello, my friends.
I am pleased to announce, Phredrick and I have been successfully(ish) running a blog together for one whole, crazy year now. Allow me a moment to congratulate myself on not totally forgetting about it or giving upon it.
(Good job, me. Thank you, me, I did try.)
Alright, onto the full meaning of this post.
Over the life span of this blog, Phred and I have, combined, gone through hell and heaven both. We've gone through three-ish boyfriends (again, this is all combined), a first breakup, a coming out, bad kisses, (a) good kiss, first love, all that gross goey romance jazz.
We have laughed so hard we cried, we have cried so hard we made gross noises and snotted all over ourselves, both together and apart. We have been each other's personal stress-reliever punching bags, fended off unwanted attention for the other, gotten leagues closer to oneanother (maybe a snip too close, on select occations).  
Honestly, of all the bad crap I could say about my life, not a single thing would be about my best friend. I could say how I wish this person or that character was my best friend, but I would always be lying. In this aspect, I will be completely honest and say that I feel bad for everyone who doesn't have a best friend as good as mine, because she is the best.
Well, I didn't start this post with the intention of boasting Phreddie to you, so I'ma move on now before I make her cry, if I haven't already.
As titled, I figured this post would be a summation, so I thought I'd give ya'll a literal summation of 2014, and share some of our best stories of this year. I'll try for one little snippet for every month, but TBH January-March are literally so boring I doubt I'll get much for them.

What happens in January? Basically nothing, Except New Years. Let's see, New Years 2014, I know Phred came over, and I know she fell asleep at like 11;15, so I just read or chilled on Tumblr or something until 11;59, and then woke her up in told her how long we had to go, and you know what she did? SHE FELL BACK ASLEEP 30 SECONDS SHY OF 2014. LITERALLY. So I just gave up and passed out, too.

February?  Honestly don't remember much of stuff Phred and I did. Valentines Day? My first with a boyfriend. But it was boring. I had work. He gave me a rose, I think I still have it? Dunno. On the very last day of the month, I left for Gatlinburg TN with him and his family. Aaaaanddd. . .

Aaaaanddd(Continued). . .  First kiss March! Well, first kiss February sounded better, but it was like march 1st. Looking back, I don't think it was that good. I mean, I knew there was way too much spit left on my face for just a peck, even at the time, but. . . Oh well. I don't remember many other details of March. Oh, house got frozen, had to chill at my aunt's house for like a week.

Weeeelll obviously the biggest highlight was my birthday, durrr..... JK, but I'm now discovering I'm just really bad at remembering what happened at certain periods in the year. I think at this point I was actually beginning to use my Tumblr more often, but who can remember? Not mee.

Does May even exist? what happens in May?
Nothing happens in May.

OH MA LAWDY June 2-6th was the best week all year except for everyone was crying a lot and it was sad the last day and stuff.
Anywho: that was Phred and I's first summer camp together.
Lemme try and get you a specific story from camp you haven't heard yet:
My personal favorite story is how I got the nickname Harry Potter.
So at camp, there were four (or five?) teams all week, competing for a pizza party the last day. So day two, our Team Leader comes up to our group and we proceed to go around introducing ourselves. I commonly introduce myself as Ginny, my nickname, because it's typically easier for people to remember than my real name. Usually, I say "I'm Ginny, but it's spelled like Ginny from Harry Potter, Not JENNY." (there is a subtle pronunciation difference, and down south they are pronounce nearly identically); but this one instance, I slurred and said "It's Ginny, but it's spelled Harry Potter." From then on, when talking to me in writing, all those people call me Harry Potter (Pronounced Ginny).
Phred's favorite story from camp is when Nate -her future boyfriend- surprised his friend on his birthday. Now, I don't know the details, because it happened late one night in the guy's cabin, but ir you're familiar with The Lonely Island's "Dick in a Box", you'll understand. See, Nate literally followed the steps, of cutting a hole in the box, and inserting his genitals, and making his friend open it. Phred has seen the box.
Nothing exciting seemed to happen when we got back. Although the (Then) bf said he cried when I was at camp because we didn't get to text. Thinking back, major clingyness RED FLAG, but I was still on my happiness high from camp, and overlooked it.

Honestly I really got nothin. Fourth of July? I literally don't really remember what I did, cause I've celebrated it so many times. And I only wrote one post on here, and it was about old people, so July must've been wondrously calm. Thank the Lord.
Phreddie was in dating bliss with Nate at this point

Whelp, I guess August was fairly calm, too. I remember in these couple months I was hanging out with Phred and Angel and my Seestah more often, which was fun. I know we went bowling and had frozen yogurt one day. That was fun. Wooh.
Also, phreddie break up with Nate (thank god)

I really have no idea what happened in most any month if you were to ask me at any given time.  I suppose I had lots of access to the laptop because I was on dress up games a bunch. Yes, I am fifteen., Yes, I do enjoy the occasional dress up web site. It's fun. Sue me.
Side note: I think things were finally going noticeably down hill with Danny. Honestly, I'm sorry it was dragged on so long.

I was really getting back into music, and listening to more music. Early October, Phred came out to her parents as bisexual, which wound up scaring me half to death. The night she did it, she wound up delivering this text about her mom completely losing all trust for Phred, and taking away her phone, and basically not lettng her do anything, and I was so scared at the thought of not knowing how long I'd have to go without that lifeline that i admittedly cried quite a lot. Of course, her mom let her text me the next day off of her mom's phone, conversation completely monitored, which made the crying feel ridiculous. Relationship with Danny was reaching a new level of stressful strain, and later in the month, and we finally broke up.  I really do feel horrible for letting that go on so long, but I really had no idea what I was doing in that relationship until after it happened. And to be honest, I still have no idea what you're supposed to do in a real relationship because that one barely pushed physical level of  fourth graders dating, but the emotional level was shoved up to a level that had no business happening between to high schoolers. Like, The emotional commitment was pressured to the full extreme of a couple in their mid/late 20's, and no matter who you are, that is a horrible thing for teeenagers. Needless to say, I am totally done with being a "We" for a long, long time. And I'll say that another person who was in that relationship should also stop worrying about dating for a while because if you don't even have your license then you certainly shouldn't be worrying about finding the one you wanna marry and all that shizz and that's all I'm going to say about that.

I am happy to have had a calm, stress free November, so becoming just a "Me" seems to have done me wonders. I don't really remember many details from Thanksgiving, even. We ate food? There was probably Turkey? There was Stuffing? There was Family? I don't remember. It was calm. It was nice. I loved it.

Now, this will have to be a 'so far', because I write this on the 26th. So far, just as great as November, but twice as busy. Lots of Christmas parties. I went and saw my sister play a taxi driver in It's a Wonderful Life. I got things for Christmas. I talked to my family. I talked to my friend. I think I made an internet friend. It's been good.
Over all, 2014 has been a pretty good year. Sure, it's definitely had it's crappy moments, but it's definitely had it's great moments. I've grown. Life's gone on. Tragedies have happened, as have miracles, and aren't we all better because of them?
So, my friends, I leave you with this:
I don't know if anyone actually reads this silly blog of ours, or if the only ones who remember it are the people trying to get dirt on us, but if anyone does read this, thank you. This probably all sounds cheesy, and given this blog probably only really helps Phred and I, not any of you, but thanks anyways for having the patience not to report us or whatever and get our lifeline deleted.

I love you guys. It's been a great year, let's hope for a good 2015 after.

Phranklynn G. M. P. McSparrow.

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