Sunday, September 28, 2014

Dressing up Phrank

Phred already explained what we were doing. So yeah. 
We still go on dress up sites. We are children. Get over it. It's fun.
Here we go.

Viking maker.

This is mine. 
This is actually probably pretty accurate, all things considered.
Fitted pants, my favorite boots. The fur corset thing would kill me. I hate tight things on my stomache. And it's probably itchy. Ugh. But the bow is actually accurate completey, I do own a bow -compound- and I'm not too bad if I say so myself. I put feathers on it because, feathers.

This is Phreds.
Not bad, but y'know.
I hate wearing white. And those sleeves are pretty but I'd end up cutting them off. They'd get in my way. Also, that hair color makes me look ginger. I wish I could pull it off. 
I really do.
And she made me look grumpy. I'm not that grumpy (shut up danny)
I think that's a scar above my eye?
Apparently she thinks I'd do well with a mace, but c'mon, you could've given me a bow.
Kidding. Over all I actually like it.

Disney Princess

This is mine.
Dark hair, true but mine's weird.
I don't actually like poofy pants or ballet flats but I would rather have poofy pants than a dress, and the only boots were heels. 
I look so graceful as a disney girl.
I'm totally not graceful.
And Jobe. I made a little version of my dog-ish.
He is so cute.

This is Phred's.
First, I'm in a skirt. You know I hate skirts Phreddie. You're slipping.
My hair's a little too light, but that's just being nit picky.
Is that gold on my forehead? 
Gold just feels tacky to me nowadays. Also it looks  like crap on my skin tone which wait she made me sooo white I know I'm white but I'm not that white.
Aaand she also put Danny in there. 
Not that you could miss the blonde dude giving me a flower. 
Am I supposed to review him too?
Uh, I guess not bad but he'd look ridiculous in a cloak and giving him a knife let alone a sword is hazardous to humanity.
Also, he has this weird thing about wearing shorts instead of pants?
I don't get it either.

Lotr and Hobbit.

This is mine hobitses.
Yes I made myself a hobbit. No it's not because I'm short. It's because I love hobbits. They eat lots, and in holes. But they have hairy feet, which is not cool.
Moving on.
This is cute, but not necessarily accurate. Yes, my hair is lighter at the tips (barely visible on on the hobbit but there.).Yeah, I most always have a book with me. The hair style is actually pretty close, too.
And I suppose if I had to wear a dress (The game had no pants options) this one might make the cut.
Actually, I like this one.

Here's Phred's hobbitses.
Yes, she made me a hobbit, too.
Yes, she probably did it because I'm short.
Moving on. The neck up is pretty good.
Hair color is pretty close, eyes nose that whole bit isn't bad.
I wish I could get my hair that pretty and wavy.
I just realized we both gave me the same necklace.
Now, that darned dress. I'm passing over that fact that it is a dress, she couldn't help that. But pink?
Of all the colors, pink?
I like the blue. I almost used it. But no pink. Pink sucks.
But the rest is good.

Well, there you have it. Phred and mine's opinions on my look in general.
Tells you a lot about people's opinions, I guess,
That is all.

Love love
Phrankie McSparrow.

Dressing up Phred

So earlier today Phrank texted me with the great idea to use avatar creators (fancy term for dress up game) to make each other into Disney princesses and post the results here.
Then we decided to do two more (LotR and Viking avatars).
Then to make things less cluttered we decided to make two different posts.
And then we decided to make ones for ourselves.
Basically it's super confusing.
Anyhow, we did three dress up games, the first picture was me making a character out of myself, the second is Phrank making a character of me.
Here we go.

Disney Princess

So this first pic is me doing myself.
I gave Phrank her boyfriend in her pic, so I gave myself my imaginary Asian girlfriend with electric blue eyes (Ok, so Phrank gave me the blue-eyed Asian girlfriend first, so she gets the credit.)
This is how my hair looks most days (a little less fluff, but it's Disney).
And pretty colors that match some of my clothes.
And again, my butch Asian girlfriend.
Please, someone make her real.

Maybe this is a hint?
I didn't think my clothes were that bright.
Do I really blush that much?
All jokes aside, my hair is pretty accurate (In reality it's a mixture of those two styles) and the boots are perfect.
And the dress is great besides the bright pink lace going on there.
And my butch Asian girlfriend that I'm in love with.

LotR & The Hobbit

I'm kinda in love with the idea of being an Elf.
Phrankie disagrees, but I think I am an elf.

So as I said, Phrank disagrees about the whole Elf thing.
So here I'm a human.
But I like it.
And I have a knife, which is good.
Random fact, that's what my hair looks like when I get out of the shower and shake it out.


Ah yes,Viking.
I look a lot meaner in my thing.
And I actually have a damn weapon!
You give someone a mace for their character and what do they give you?

Really, with the blush though?
So this one gets a 9 3/4.
Deducting 1/4 point cause that smile reminds me of Shirley Phelps.
And I hate Shirley Phelps.

So yeah guys, this was a fun little game and one of the many things Phrank and I do to entertain ourselves.
Because we have nothing better to do.
Well, I don't.
So thank you for sitting through that and not killing your computer because of our stupidity.
Until next time my sweets.

- Phred McSparrow

Friday, September 26, 2014

Today Is Not My Day (and other things I say a lot)

As some people (Phrank particularly) could tell you, there's a few things I say a lot.
For various reasons, I just repeat these things like it'll change something.
Now this is not gonna be a list of the things I say a lot and how I can fix them.
I'm not in that kind of mood.
I'm in the mood to type out a list of things I say purely to get them off my chest and maybe so some of you can relate.
So here goes
"Today is not the day."
Mostly occurring on Wednesdays, shit happens and I and up dragging Phrank somewhere secluded muttering this phrase.
I then proceed to throw things and pace until I've calmed down.
"I hate being single"
I know. It's not even been two months of being out of a relationship (granted the relationship was only two months itself) and I'm already complaining about being single.
Problem is, no girl near me is gay, and if she is she's too old for me.
And any guys worth being with aren't single or they're, again, too old.
So yeah.
I would apologize, but no.
"I'll fucking kill you/shut your fucking mouth/pretty much anything with the word fuck in it"
Cussing is like therapy to me.
Phrank will vouch for it
"He's such a bastard"
There's a lot of 'em that I know.
I kinda feel like this one is ok.
Then again, I feel like I say it too much.
It confuses me.
I hate apologizing, but southern-ness I suppose.
"I would seriously make out with anyone right now."
Except I wouldn't.
So yeah, there's a quick little post.
My computer got stepped on

So it is a lot harder to write.
But I promise I'll keep it up.
Thank you for sitting through that, lovelies.
-Phred McSparrow

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Best Friend Tag 2: Specific Questions Edition.

This is Phranklyn here, deciding to do another Best Friend Tag with Phredrick whether she likes it or not. For this one, I will be finding the questions, but they are to be random and specific questions I select off of the internet.  PE is for  Phred, PA is for Phrank.

Would you rather be attacked by a bear or a swarm of bees?
PA: Bees for you.
PE: bees for you.
PA: A bear. You can punch a bear.
PE: bear for me.

Do you chew your pens and pencils?
PE: No.
PA: I wanna say you do.
PA: I do.
PE: Dammit, me too.

What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
PA: Ranch?
PE: Ketchup.
PA: I like barbecue sauce.
PE: Actually, ketchup.

Cheetos or Fritos?
PA: Dude, cheetos
PE: Cheetos, for both.
PA: I love Cheetos.
PE: Me too.

Hot or cold tea?
PE: Cold.
PA: Hot?
PE: Cold.
PA: Hot tea from Ming Court.
PE: Never had hot tea there.
PA: it's good.

Who's better, David Tennant or Matt Smith?
PA: David for you.
PE: Matt for you *sigh*
PA: Matt is pretty.
PE: I know... (David Tennant)

What physical feature do you dislike the most on you?
PA: Maybe lips?
PE: I think you hate your nose? I hate my stomach.
PA: I do hate the nose. I was thinking more facial features though. . .
PE: Uh, nose for me. God I hate it.
PA: Damnit, I was thinking your nose.

Favorite physical feature?
PE: Ummm, eyes?
PA: Your eyes, too?
PE: Yes I am eyes. (What? you are eyes? weird.)
PA: Yeah, my eyes. Wish they weren't so deep set though.

What is their birth date?
PE: April 29th 1999
PA: December 26, 2000
PE: Yep
PA: Yup

Something about them not a lot of people know?
PE: Uhh, you're gay?
PA: No I'm not?
PE: Fine, not a lot of people at group know you're artsy.
PA: Not a lot of people know you write stuff.
PE: I suppose. Damn, I should write more.

Do you have any secrets from each other?
PA: Probably.
PE: Not that I can think of. I don't know about you.
PE: Um, yes you do?
PA: Actually, probably. Just those little things you keep to yourself.
PE: I probably have some of those things too. Things you don't wanna know.
PA: Probably.
PE: But those don't count.

What is their sarcasm level, from 1 to 10?
PA: 7
PE: 5
PA: Cheerio, I said 5 for me.
PE: I would give me like an 8 but I'll give it to you.

What is one thing you look at on other people? (A.k.a physical feature)
PA: Booty.
PE: People in general I like eyes. I will admit on chicks I like tits a lot. You have said stuff about noses.
PA: Noses.And eyes. And hands. Duuuude, I just realized I check out hands.
PE: Do I have nice hands?
PA: Eh, average.

Favorite inside joke?
PE: Something about.... Micheal? (Name changed for reasons)
PA: Same.
PE; Yup.
PA: Yeahhhh.

Have you ever eaten a crayon?
PE: Question, eaten like chewed or eaten like swallowed/
PA: Either.
PA: For you... I think you have.
PE: Yes I have. Ima say you've chewed one but not like swallowed it.
PA: Yes I have, but yes, just chewed. They taste nasty. Did you swallow it?
PE: No. But I have swallowed and digested Play Dooh before.
PA: Me too.

What is their dream vacation?
PE: The Harry Potter themed park at where ever it is for you.
PA: The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, at Universal Studios. Damn, I was going to say Atlantis in the Bahamas for me, but now I'm conflicted. Somewhere tropical for you.
PE: No, I hate heat. Japan. Specifically Tokyo.
PA: Dammit, I knew that.

What are they typically doing at 12 AM? 
PA: Sleeping?
PE: *doesn't text back for everrrr*
PA: Are you sleeping now?
PE: I'm usually on YouTube or looking up witchy stuff. You're almost always asleep unless I keep you up.
PA: Uh you always go to bed before eleven when I'm texting you? And I'm always up texting you or more likely Danny.
----We had more words on how long we actually stay up. Both decided it was past 12----

What is their favorite ice cream flavor?
PA: Chocolate?
PE: I'm probably wrong but yours is like fudge or something? I cannot stand chocolate ice cream, however I like cookie dough.
PA: Son of a beech. I was going to say cookie dough. I actually like cookies and cream the best.

Favorite spectator sport?
PA: Quidditch for you if it was real.
PE: I legit hate sports. even Quidditch. But you would do Quidditch.
PA: If it was real yes. But actually soccer.
PE: I hate sports.
PA: I know hon.
PE: I'm probably gonna end up with a sports fanatic...

What condiments do you put on hot dogs or hamburgers?
PA: You don't eat hot dogs? I'm gonna say cheese and ketchup or something for burgers.
PE: Other way around. I don't eat burgers, but cheese and ketchup for hot dog. No idea for you.
PA: Just cheese and ketchup.

Alright folks, that's all the questions for today.
The final scores are
   PHRED                                                    PHRANK
 10                                                              10
 WE BOTH GOT 10 OF 20!!!!

How does this happen. Like, we need a definite winner at some point.
Seriously. This is ridiculous. 
Oh well. 
See ya guys next time.
 Phred suggested Danny and I do a relationship tag.
Maybe you'll see something of that popping up soon. 

Love Love,
Phrank McSparrow.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Back to old times/Then and Now

          So I'm at the hospital. Fret not, my readers, I'm okay. No, an old family friend of ours is having open heart surgery today, and he asked my dad to come and sit with his family while he's busy being cut open. Now, last time we saw them they mainly consisted of the dad, the mom, and their son. While my dad is talking to the mom and their new addition-they have a new baby girl- I'm keeping company with their son, I'll call him Kelso(that name I really clever if you knew his actual name). Now, this isn't necessarily a bad thing, but he's a weird kid. That's saying something, for me to call someone weird as a not-quite positive way. But this is the kid who dropped the F-bomb at ten because  he read it online in a joke thought it was funny.
       Side tracking for a moment, because there is funny story behind this, here it goes: We were havin' a good ole pool party at Phreddie's old house, and before hand he got there and the three of us- Phred, Kelso, and I- were chillin in a secluded-ish area by this big table thing, and he goes "hey, wanna hear a joke I read on the internet?" and we are all "yeah sure" and he sets up the scene as this dude standing by a car talking to a kid all pedophile-like and says "hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but get the f*** in the car!" Now, at the time-believe it or not- Phred and I both were all "Aah noo no swearing bad words nooo it burns!" so we strongly told him off, not to say he didn't continue to let the frickety-frack word slip multiple times afterwards on separate occasions, but y'know, what can you do? But yeah, funny story, cause now we're all "cuss swear cuss curse wordy-dirts", or at least Phred is.
    SO back to the actual post. This kid doesn't know what personal space is. Like,

This P is me, and the lines ( - ) are my bubble.
The K is him, and this is where he tries to get in my bubble:

Seriously. Not joking at all. And he's very random. He can't stay focused for more then about three seconds, on anything at all. literally, "SQUIRREL!!"
I wouldn't really mind this so much, because I'm surrounded by people who are like this, but Kelso is constantly trying to tell you a story or something. Like "Oh hey, one time, I was uhh... Sorry, where was I? Oh! yeah, I was outside my house on this ummm.... uuhh....Oh, sorry. I was on the hill- we live like up by a moutain- and uhhhhh..... OH MY GOSH WOW DID YOU SEE JUST THAT *thing that was just on TV behind me*!!!! It was like this thing and it was going WOOSH and WAAAH and woah!!" *five minuites later* "Oh right, I was telling you a story! *starts telling a different story*"
I mean, he's a good kid, but daaaaamn his attentions span kills me. And when he does stay focused for more than thirty-no make that three- seconds, it's when he's asking me about me and my life and stuff. If you've known me longer than ten minutes and have a decent brain, you pick up really quick that I hate talking about myself, UNLESS we're unspeakably close and you prompt me. Then I talk like a greedy snitch that witnessed a murder. But other wise, I'm awkward and I trail off and it's uncomfortable for me to share anything. And this kid expected my life story? Sorry Kelso, I'm not spilling my guts to you.
But either way, seeing Kelso and his family again got me thinking back to how Phred and I were one, two, or even three years ago.  SOOO I've decided to make a comparison chart, and I'll let Phred do some of mine and I'll do some of Phred's.

THEN                                 PHRANK                               NOW
Quiet and reserved around people.
She made jokes sometimes but over all
she watched while the rest of us did.
However, once you broke her shell
(and got her a little tired) she was the
 weirdest/funniest/coolest friend I've ever had.                                                        NOW
She hasn't changed much but she is a lot
more open and a lot more willing to jump into a conversation.
She's also more aggressive, but in a good way.
A lot because she'll confront someone when I can't/won't


She used to go back and forth from
Wearing glasses to wearing contacts
And that would always screw me up
Seeing her the first few times after she'd change                                                                       NOW
 Now she hits people.
A lot.
Like seriously, for no reason.
If you stand too close to her she'll jab you.
And I'm easily hurt.
Not a good mix.
Me, somewhat Angel (she was somewhat a friend,
 her name wasn't somewhat), Liz (god I hate her),
like all the AHG girls (hate them too.),
and the Brady Bunch as Phred calls them (a family with 6 boys)
 I can't think of any others.
Then #2
This was about a year ago.
And it was just me and Danny                                                                                    NOW
Now it's me and Angel and Emily (correct me if I'm wrong),
 still the Brady Bunch, Anna,
 Lizz (different Liz, Note the two Z's),
Ashlynn and Danny (does he count?)


Crazy/fun/weird people                                                                                                      NOW
This hasn't changed at all.


You were okay with your family,
except we hated Emily for no apparent reason.
                                                                                                       You have you're disagreements but as far as i'm aware you're cool with them now. 


Maybe I'm wrong, but you were
pretty content with yourself.                                                                          NOW
You get frazzled and confused sometimes
But I still think over all you're pretty cool with yourself.
Unless I don't know something.

You were christian then and you're christian now.

ATTITUDE TOWARDS ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS                                                           

THEN "I don't care about relationships"
 - Phred McSparrow                                                                                          NOW
And now she has a boyfriend, soooo.....
ATTITUDE TOWARDS PHRED                                                                                                   
Well, friendship speaking. Before we officially met she thought I was weird.
Which is saying something cause she's weird as fuck

Like non existent.                                                                                                            NOW
She's pretty confident now.
She can stand up for herself and others
(she's had practice cause I'm a bebe)
And won't let anyone step on her.


Jeans/shorts and  tshirts.
Always a big messenger bag.                                                                                                    NOW
                                                                                    pretty much the same

She was extremely reserved.                                                                    NOW
Now I think she thinks about things a little too much.
Not to say i don't too.
I sure as hell do.

No one thinks the quiet girl is a threat.                                                           NOW
No one thinks the quiet girl is a threat.

Short, but adorable.

                               she's much less reserved and much more likely to kick someone's ass if they need it.                     


THEN                                PHRED                                        NOW

Honestly a bit bitchy. A bit loud and out there, which some times came off as rude. But you could see nice stuff underneath if you looked
Still loud, still out there. 
Still comes off as rude sometimes, but it's definitely not on purpose now.  

You used to sit and pull one leg up really close to your crotch like you were going to cross your legs but left the other foot on the floor. Like, while you were sitting in chairs. It was so weird. 
You make intimate biting and licking motions at people. 
And my face. Don't get near my face. That's why I hit you. 
It's my face.
 FRIEND POOL                                                                                                                                       THEN
Jesus. Literally. She put a facebook post about it.
Some blonde boy. The Volleyball girls(L&J). Me. Posh spice.  

Me. Angel. Anna, Ashlyn.
 Kind of Nate. Danny. All those library people.
Do you count Christie?
GENERAL TYPE OF PEOPLE YOU ENJOYED BEING WITH                                                   
Slightly loud, crazy, opinionated people.
Also me. Dunno how the hell that happened.
                                              Loud, crazy, opinionated people.
And me. Seriously, what the hell?    
ATTITUDE TOWARDS FAMILY                                                                                                     

Pretty okay I guess. Maybe bad, I dunno. 
You didn't talk about them much then. They were annoying to you.
Hate them. You're okay with your oldest bro, I think.

ATTITUDE TOWARDS SELF                                                                                                           

I think you were a bit flip floppy. 
You were all 'ugh self hate' but you were also all
Still flip floppy.
All "ugh, I wish I was skinny/pretty"(You are pretty)
But you're also all body positive.


Christian, actually.
ATTITUDE TOWARDS ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS                                                             
"Micheal... but also whatever who cares."
 ATTITUDE TOWARDS PHRANK                                                                                                     

You probably thought I was odd. Because I am. 
But you probably thought I was awesome and fabulous and amazing.
Because I am that too. JK.

You still think I'm awesome and weird. Because I am. Dur.

On the outside, average. Hard shell. All cool
On the inside, probably not. Insecure. Unsure.
On the outside, 
"Screw you I'm fabulous and saxy I do what I want."
On the inside, 
Probably still screw you I'm fabulous.

Camis as shirts, and pants.
 Some times skirts or dresses.
Tights. Tights with pretty shorts. 
Tights with dresses. 
A bit emo.
And actual shirts now, thank god.
Except they're all cut up, and inevitably show your purple bra.
BIGGEST FLAW                                                                                                                                

No one wanted to be friends with a snappy rude chick.
A bit too much cowardice in you. 
You won't openly go up to people and confront them
And you can't take a hit. Seriously.
BIGGEST ASSET                                                                                                                                

Very good walls built to keep people out.
 No body was getting past those walls.  
Except me. Mwahaha.
No body expects that you'd actually stab their eyes.

PHYSICAL APPEARANCE                                                                                                                 

A bit innocent. But also "grrr"
Much more confident, so you do costumes more.
A bit Goth/Emo/dark colors, 
but not bad.
(NOW ONLY)BEST CHANGE                                                                                                            

No longer bitchy.

(NOW ONLY) WORST CHANGE                                                                                                               You won't shut up about wanting saxy wamon but not doing anything to be not single. 

Well, that's all folks. See you next time.

Phrank and Phred McSparrow.


An Explanations As Promised By A Previous Post

Hey guys, it's Phred.
As previously pointed out I haven't posted here in over a month.
I wasn't too worried about this until I saw my last post and realized I seem like I'm all broken up over being dumped.
Not true dears.
Actually, my life has been pretty good for my standards.
I have my close group back, I have some more new friends and as always I have Phrank. 
Honestly, I haven't posted because my life has been so good.
There's been nothing of worth to talk about.
Just happiness.
Of course it hasn't all been sunshine, but when is it ever?
Maybe I'll write some more later, but for now Phrank is buggig me to write a different post. 
So until then Mon amours

- Phred McSparrow

Phrankie's boredom, behind the scenes adventures, and a sneak peak.

I'm bored(hints the title), and I figured what else to do but write crap? 
The laptop is screaming at me. It's about to die, but Ma has the charger and she didn't bring the spare (Thanks Mom!)
Now, if you'll notice, the second half of the title says Behind the scenes(I really like italics, if you haven't noticed. And parenthesis.). This portion suggests that I'ma tell you about what goes on behind the veil of mystery that separates bloggers from readers, and being a sucky blogger as well as a spotty reader, I could give you a rough view of both sides, but of course if you're reading this you must have the 'reader' part down to some degree.
  So, step one, starting the blog
. That is to say, creating an account on blogger(in Phred and my's position). Now, you must understand that I royally suck at all thing technology. Unless you compare me to my mom or old people. Then I'm somewhat of a genius. But other than that, if I can't access it by typing a username and password I'm screwed. So Phred set up our blog and domain and all that stuff. If anyone is actually interested I might have her post step by step directions or whatever. However I can tell you how it started from my point of view:

Phred: "Hey, we should start our own blog that *girl we used to do a blog with*'s mom doesn't know about so I can be all openly bisexual and atheist and weird on."
Me: "Okay."
Phred: "What should we call it?"
Me: "I dunno. Something that's an inside joke so we'll remember it."
Phred: "Okay, cool. How about Phrank and Phred?"
Me: "Sounds good."
Phred: "What about a password to log in with?"
Me: "I dunno. another inside joke?"
Me: "Duuuude, yes."
Phred: "Cool. So the log in information is *******.  What about a color theme. Purple?"
Me: "And green."
Phred: "Cool. I'll text you when it's up and running."
Me: "Coolio."
 And that's the extent of my knowledge of blog making. except on tumblr. I'm okay at making tumblr accounts.
Now, Step two is probably writing posts.
 That part is pretty simple, I've got it down pat. Sort of. What I do is click a little button that takes me to our post list. which lists all our posts, whether published or drafts. This is usually a fun experience, because I can not only view my drafts, but also Phreddie's, so it's like a little sneak peak for me. I get to see her titles for up coming posts and read them before she posts them so I have a heads up on the weirdness, or whatever she's posting about. From the posts list screen I just click a little button reading new post (It's got a little pencil on it) and type my title then go crazy with whatever I want to write. As you have probably noticed, we haven't posted much lately. My excuse is I've been busy and stressed as hell with all my real world life and crap, cause I've been not home or working my butt off cleaning almost every day for the past one of two months. And school. I don't know what's been keeping phred's lazy but off here. Ask her. Anyway, we haven't posted much. buuuuuuuut we have a lot of drafts open right now. I really hate drafts because often they get left and forgotten, but admittedly I have several up right now. But mine are boring so I mostly just read what Phred has written on hers, which is usually either entertaining or sometime frightening, because they occasionally have to do with me. I don't know where I'm going to go with this post so I'm just gonna give you sneak peaks for up and coming posts.

The Problems of Phred McSparrow.
  Obviously, one of  phred's posts. This one is both entertaining to me and slightly frightening because her first listed problem is me, and the post starts with a disclaimer saying she's just being goofy.

Phun with Danny.
Again, not one of my drafts. This one is slightly more frightening to me because it's about phred's(My best friend) conversations with danny(My boyfriend), and I've heard those can get really messed up and perverted.

Back to Old Times.
This one is my post. It was inspired by having to sit with an old 'friend' while his dad had heart surgery. I don't know for sure yet but it's probably gonna be a comparison of us then VS. now. Actually, that's a good idea. I may edit the title.

Phrankie Never does what She's Told.
This one is also mine, dur. The way the title is worded is the best way to describe the post without any real spoilers. It's basically a story of me hearing about a thing and then trying the thing after being told no don't do the thing. Don't worry guys it's not drugs or alcohol or anything like that I'm not stupid gah quit being so over protective it's smothering me.

Misogyny and Slut Shaming.
This is Phred's post. It's been in drafts for like eight months.It's about misogyny and slut shaming. or anti misogyny and slut shaming. Or whatever. yeah.

\Oh, Traditional Marriage is Better than Gay Marriage? 
Also Phred's. If it has a feminist or  pro-gay/trans/bisexual/lesbian/othersexualorientationsI'mforgetting title, just assume it's Phred's post. Her's are about serious world issues, mine are about stupid and funny stuff. This post, too, had been in drafts for like eight months.

Snippet Stories: The Headache.
Mine. It's a snippet story. About a girl who gets headaches. Then she gets superpowers from her headaches. It's inspired by me. I get headaches a lot. I'm just waiting to see if I get a superpower from them. That would be awesome.

The Language of Autocorrect.
Both Phred and I work on this post. I guess I started it though. It's a list of common auto correct fails from ours and other close one's phones. It's been a draft for a while but it's hard to gather enough auto correct fails to make a dictionary out of them.
Now, we do have another draft listed in our posts list, but it's not really for you guys so much as a back up plan in case bad crap goes down, so I'm not including it in my list.

There you have it, Our eight/nine posts we need to get off our lazy bums and finish then move onto new posts. I guess I'll see you next time,
Love Love,

Phrankie McSparrow.