Monday, September 22, 2014

An Explanations As Promised By A Previous Post

Hey guys, it's Phred.
As previously pointed out I haven't posted here in over a month.
I wasn't too worried about this until I saw my last post and realized I seem like I'm all broken up over being dumped.
Not true dears.
Actually, my life has been pretty good for my standards.
I have my close group back, I have some more new friends and as always I have Phrank. 
Honestly, I haven't posted because my life has been so good.
There's been nothing of worth to talk about.
Just happiness.
Of course it hasn't all been sunshine, but when is it ever?
Maybe I'll write some more later, but for now Phrank is buggig me to write a different post. 
So until then Mon amours

- Phred McSparrow

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