Sunday, September 28, 2014

Dressing up Phrank

Phred already explained what we were doing. So yeah. 
We still go on dress up sites. We are children. Get over it. It's fun.
Here we go.

Viking maker.

This is mine. 
This is actually probably pretty accurate, all things considered.
Fitted pants, my favorite boots. The fur corset thing would kill me. I hate tight things on my stomache. And it's probably itchy. Ugh. But the bow is actually accurate completey, I do own a bow -compound- and I'm not too bad if I say so myself. I put feathers on it because, feathers.

This is Phreds.
Not bad, but y'know.
I hate wearing white. And those sleeves are pretty but I'd end up cutting them off. They'd get in my way. Also, that hair color makes me look ginger. I wish I could pull it off. 
I really do.
And she made me look grumpy. I'm not that grumpy (shut up danny)
I think that's a scar above my eye?
Apparently she thinks I'd do well with a mace, but c'mon, you could've given me a bow.
Kidding. Over all I actually like it.

Disney Princess

This is mine.
Dark hair, true but mine's weird.
I don't actually like poofy pants or ballet flats but I would rather have poofy pants than a dress, and the only boots were heels. 
I look so graceful as a disney girl.
I'm totally not graceful.
And Jobe. I made a little version of my dog-ish.
He is so cute.

This is Phred's.
First, I'm in a skirt. You know I hate skirts Phreddie. You're slipping.
My hair's a little too light, but that's just being nit picky.
Is that gold on my forehead? 
Gold just feels tacky to me nowadays. Also it looks  like crap on my skin tone which wait she made me sooo white I know I'm white but I'm not that white.
Aaand she also put Danny in there. 
Not that you could miss the blonde dude giving me a flower. 
Am I supposed to review him too?
Uh, I guess not bad but he'd look ridiculous in a cloak and giving him a knife let alone a sword is hazardous to humanity.
Also, he has this weird thing about wearing shorts instead of pants?
I don't get it either.

Lotr and Hobbit.

This is mine hobitses.
Yes I made myself a hobbit. No it's not because I'm short. It's because I love hobbits. They eat lots, and in holes. But they have hairy feet, which is not cool.
Moving on.
This is cute, but not necessarily accurate. Yes, my hair is lighter at the tips (barely visible on on the hobbit but there.).Yeah, I most always have a book with me. The hair style is actually pretty close, too.
And I suppose if I had to wear a dress (The game had no pants options) this one might make the cut.
Actually, I like this one.

Here's Phred's hobbitses.
Yes, she made me a hobbit, too.
Yes, she probably did it because I'm short.
Moving on. The neck up is pretty good.
Hair color is pretty close, eyes nose that whole bit isn't bad.
I wish I could get my hair that pretty and wavy.
I just realized we both gave me the same necklace.
Now, that darned dress. I'm passing over that fact that it is a dress, she couldn't help that. But pink?
Of all the colors, pink?
I like the blue. I almost used it. But no pink. Pink sucks.
But the rest is good.

Well, there you have it. Phred and mine's opinions on my look in general.
Tells you a lot about people's opinions, I guess,
That is all.

Love love
Phrankie McSparrow.

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