Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Best Friend Tag 2: Specific Questions Edition.

This is Phranklyn here, deciding to do another Best Friend Tag with Phredrick whether she likes it or not. For this one, I will be finding the questions, but they are to be random and specific questions I select off of the internet.  PE is for  Phred, PA is for Phrank.

Would you rather be attacked by a bear or a swarm of bees?
PA: Bees for you.
PE: bees for you.
PA: A bear. You can punch a bear.
PE: bear for me.

Do you chew your pens and pencils?
PE: No.
PA: I wanna say you do.
PA: I do.
PE: Dammit, me too.

What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
PA: Ranch?
PE: Ketchup.
PA: I like barbecue sauce.
PE: Actually, ketchup.

Cheetos or Fritos?
PA: Dude, cheetos
PE: Cheetos, for both.
PA: I love Cheetos.
PE: Me too.

Hot or cold tea?
PE: Cold.
PA: Hot?
PE: Cold.
PA: Hot tea from Ming Court.
PE: Never had hot tea there.
PA: it's good.

Who's better, David Tennant or Matt Smith?
PA: David for you.
PE: Matt for you *sigh*
PA: Matt is pretty.
PE: I know... (David Tennant)

What physical feature do you dislike the most on you?
PA: Maybe lips?
PE: I think you hate your nose? I hate my stomach.
PA: I do hate the nose. I was thinking more facial features though. . .
PE: Uh, nose for me. God I hate it.
PA: Damnit, I was thinking your nose.

Favorite physical feature?
PE: Ummm, eyes?
PA: Your eyes, too?
PE: Yes I am eyes. (What? you are eyes? weird.)
PA: Yeah, my eyes. Wish they weren't so deep set though.

What is their birth date?
PE: April 29th 1999
PA: December 26, 2000
PE: Yep
PA: Yup

Something about them not a lot of people know?
PE: Uhh, you're gay?
PA: No I'm not?
PE: Fine, not a lot of people at group know you're artsy.
PA: Not a lot of people know you write stuff.
PE: I suppose. Damn, I should write more.

Do you have any secrets from each other?
PA: Probably.
PE: Not that I can think of. I don't know about you.
PE: Um, yes you do?
PA: Actually, probably. Just those little things you keep to yourself.
PE: I probably have some of those things too. Things you don't wanna know.
PA: Probably.
PE: But those don't count.

What is their sarcasm level, from 1 to 10?
PA: 7
PE: 5
PA: Cheerio, I said 5 for me.
PE: I would give me like an 8 but I'll give it to you.

What is one thing you look at on other people? (A.k.a physical feature)
PA: Booty.
PE: People in general I like eyes. I will admit on chicks I like tits a lot. You have said stuff about noses.
PA: Noses.And eyes. And hands. Duuuude, I just realized I check out hands.
PE: Do I have nice hands?
PA: Eh, average.

Favorite inside joke?
PE: Something about.... Micheal? (Name changed for reasons)
PA: Same.
PE; Yup.
PA: Yeahhhh.

Have you ever eaten a crayon?
PE: Question, eaten like chewed or eaten like swallowed/
PA: Either.
PA: For you... I think you have.
PE: Yes I have. Ima say you've chewed one but not like swallowed it.
PA: Yes I have, but yes, just chewed. They taste nasty. Did you swallow it?
PE: No. But I have swallowed and digested Play Dooh before.
PA: Me too.

What is their dream vacation?
PE: The Harry Potter themed park at where ever it is for you.
PA: The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, at Universal Studios. Damn, I was going to say Atlantis in the Bahamas for me, but now I'm conflicted. Somewhere tropical for you.
PE: No, I hate heat. Japan. Specifically Tokyo.
PA: Dammit, I knew that.

What are they typically doing at 12 AM? 
PA: Sleeping?
PE: *doesn't text back for everrrr*
PA: Are you sleeping now?
PE: I'm usually on YouTube or looking up witchy stuff. You're almost always asleep unless I keep you up.
PA: Uh you always go to bed before eleven when I'm texting you? And I'm always up texting you or more likely Danny.
----We had more words on how long we actually stay up. Both decided it was past 12----

What is their favorite ice cream flavor?
PA: Chocolate?
PE: I'm probably wrong but yours is like fudge or something? I cannot stand chocolate ice cream, however I like cookie dough.
PA: Son of a beech. I was going to say cookie dough. I actually like cookies and cream the best.

Favorite spectator sport?
PA: Quidditch for you if it was real.
PE: I legit hate sports. even Quidditch. But you would do Quidditch.
PA: If it was real yes. But actually soccer.
PE: I hate sports.
PA: I know hon.
PE: I'm probably gonna end up with a sports fanatic...

What condiments do you put on hot dogs or hamburgers?
PA: You don't eat hot dogs? I'm gonna say cheese and ketchup or something for burgers.
PE: Other way around. I don't eat burgers, but cheese and ketchup for hot dog. No idea for you.
PA: Just cheese and ketchup.

Alright folks, that's all the questions for today.
The final scores are
   PHRED                                                    PHRANK
 10                                                              10
 WE BOTH GOT 10 OF 20!!!!

How does this happen. Like, we need a definite winner at some point.
Seriously. This is ridiculous. 
Oh well. 
See ya guys next time.
 Phred suggested Danny and I do a relationship tag.
Maybe you'll see something of that popping up soon. 

Love Love,
Phrank McSparrow.

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