Sunday, September 28, 2014

Dressing up Phred

So earlier today Phrank texted me with the great idea to use avatar creators (fancy term for dress up game) to make each other into Disney princesses and post the results here.
Then we decided to do two more (LotR and Viking avatars).
Then to make things less cluttered we decided to make two different posts.
And then we decided to make ones for ourselves.
Basically it's super confusing.
Anyhow, we did three dress up games, the first picture was me making a character out of myself, the second is Phrank making a character of me.
Here we go.

Disney Princess

So this first pic is me doing myself.
I gave Phrank her boyfriend in her pic, so I gave myself my imaginary Asian girlfriend with electric blue eyes (Ok, so Phrank gave me the blue-eyed Asian girlfriend first, so she gets the credit.)
This is how my hair looks most days (a little less fluff, but it's Disney).
And pretty colors that match some of my clothes.
And again, my butch Asian girlfriend.
Please, someone make her real.

Maybe this is a hint?
I didn't think my clothes were that bright.
Do I really blush that much?
All jokes aside, my hair is pretty accurate (In reality it's a mixture of those two styles) and the boots are perfect.
And the dress is great besides the bright pink lace going on there.
And my butch Asian girlfriend that I'm in love with.

LotR & The Hobbit

I'm kinda in love with the idea of being an Elf.
Phrankie disagrees, but I think I am an elf.

So as I said, Phrank disagrees about the whole Elf thing.
So here I'm a human.
But I like it.
And I have a knife, which is good.
Random fact, that's what my hair looks like when I get out of the shower and shake it out.


Ah yes,Viking.
I look a lot meaner in my thing.
And I actually have a damn weapon!
You give someone a mace for their character and what do they give you?

Really, with the blush though?
So this one gets a 9 3/4.
Deducting 1/4 point cause that smile reminds me of Shirley Phelps.
And I hate Shirley Phelps.

So yeah guys, this was a fun little game and one of the many things Phrank and I do to entertain ourselves.
Because we have nothing better to do.
Well, I don't.
So thank you for sitting through that and not killing your computer because of our stupidity.
Until next time my sweets.

- Phred McSparrow

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