Friday, September 26, 2014

Today Is Not My Day (and other things I say a lot)

As some people (Phrank particularly) could tell you, there's a few things I say a lot.
For various reasons, I just repeat these things like it'll change something.
Now this is not gonna be a list of the things I say a lot and how I can fix them.
I'm not in that kind of mood.
I'm in the mood to type out a list of things I say purely to get them off my chest and maybe so some of you can relate.
So here goes
"Today is not the day."
Mostly occurring on Wednesdays, shit happens and I and up dragging Phrank somewhere secluded muttering this phrase.
I then proceed to throw things and pace until I've calmed down.
"I hate being single"
I know. It's not even been two months of being out of a relationship (granted the relationship was only two months itself) and I'm already complaining about being single.
Problem is, no girl near me is gay, and if she is she's too old for me.
And any guys worth being with aren't single or they're, again, too old.
So yeah.
I would apologize, but no.
"I'll fucking kill you/shut your fucking mouth/pretty much anything with the word fuck in it"
Cussing is like therapy to me.
Phrank will vouch for it
"He's such a bastard"
There's a lot of 'em that I know.
I kinda feel like this one is ok.
Then again, I feel like I say it too much.
It confuses me.
I hate apologizing, but southern-ness I suppose.
"I would seriously make out with anyone right now."
Except I wouldn't.
So yeah, there's a quick little post.
My computer got stepped on

So it is a lot harder to write.
But I promise I'll keep it up.
Thank you for sitting through that, lovelies.
-Phred McSparrow

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