Monday, September 22, 2014

Phrankie's boredom, behind the scenes adventures, and a sneak peak.

I'm bored(hints the title), and I figured what else to do but write crap? 
The laptop is screaming at me. It's about to die, but Ma has the charger and she didn't bring the spare (Thanks Mom!)
Now, if you'll notice, the second half of the title says Behind the scenes(I really like italics, if you haven't noticed. And parenthesis.). This portion suggests that I'ma tell you about what goes on behind the veil of mystery that separates bloggers from readers, and being a sucky blogger as well as a spotty reader, I could give you a rough view of both sides, but of course if you're reading this you must have the 'reader' part down to some degree.
  So, step one, starting the blog
. That is to say, creating an account on blogger(in Phred and my's position). Now, you must understand that I royally suck at all thing technology. Unless you compare me to my mom or old people. Then I'm somewhat of a genius. But other than that, if I can't access it by typing a username and password I'm screwed. So Phred set up our blog and domain and all that stuff. If anyone is actually interested I might have her post step by step directions or whatever. However I can tell you how it started from my point of view:

Phred: "Hey, we should start our own blog that *girl we used to do a blog with*'s mom doesn't know about so I can be all openly bisexual and atheist and weird on."
Me: "Okay."
Phred: "What should we call it?"
Me: "I dunno. Something that's an inside joke so we'll remember it."
Phred: "Okay, cool. How about Phrank and Phred?"
Me: "Sounds good."
Phred: "What about a password to log in with?"
Me: "I dunno. another inside joke?"
Me: "Duuuude, yes."
Phred: "Cool. So the log in information is *******.  What about a color theme. Purple?"
Me: "And green."
Phred: "Cool. I'll text you when it's up and running."
Me: "Coolio."
 And that's the extent of my knowledge of blog making. except on tumblr. I'm okay at making tumblr accounts.
Now, Step two is probably writing posts.
 That part is pretty simple, I've got it down pat. Sort of. What I do is click a little button that takes me to our post list. which lists all our posts, whether published or drafts. This is usually a fun experience, because I can not only view my drafts, but also Phreddie's, so it's like a little sneak peak for me. I get to see her titles for up coming posts and read them before she posts them so I have a heads up on the weirdness, or whatever she's posting about. From the posts list screen I just click a little button reading new post (It's got a little pencil on it) and type my title then go crazy with whatever I want to write. As you have probably noticed, we haven't posted much lately. My excuse is I've been busy and stressed as hell with all my real world life and crap, cause I've been not home or working my butt off cleaning almost every day for the past one of two months. And school. I don't know what's been keeping phred's lazy but off here. Ask her. Anyway, we haven't posted much. buuuuuuuut we have a lot of drafts open right now. I really hate drafts because often they get left and forgotten, but admittedly I have several up right now. But mine are boring so I mostly just read what Phred has written on hers, which is usually either entertaining or sometime frightening, because they occasionally have to do with me. I don't know where I'm going to go with this post so I'm just gonna give you sneak peaks for up and coming posts.

The Problems of Phred McSparrow.
  Obviously, one of  phred's posts. This one is both entertaining to me and slightly frightening because her first listed problem is me, and the post starts with a disclaimer saying she's just being goofy.

Phun with Danny.
Again, not one of my drafts. This one is slightly more frightening to me because it's about phred's(My best friend) conversations with danny(My boyfriend), and I've heard those can get really messed up and perverted.

Back to Old Times.
This one is my post. It was inspired by having to sit with an old 'friend' while his dad had heart surgery. I don't know for sure yet but it's probably gonna be a comparison of us then VS. now. Actually, that's a good idea. I may edit the title.

Phrankie Never does what She's Told.
This one is also mine, dur. The way the title is worded is the best way to describe the post without any real spoilers. It's basically a story of me hearing about a thing and then trying the thing after being told no don't do the thing. Don't worry guys it's not drugs or alcohol or anything like that I'm not stupid gah quit being so over protective it's smothering me.

Misogyny and Slut Shaming.
This is Phred's post. It's been in drafts for like eight months.It's about misogyny and slut shaming. or anti misogyny and slut shaming. Or whatever. yeah.

\Oh, Traditional Marriage is Better than Gay Marriage? 
Also Phred's. If it has a feminist or  pro-gay/trans/bisexual/lesbian/othersexualorientationsI'mforgetting title, just assume it's Phred's post. Her's are about serious world issues, mine are about stupid and funny stuff. This post, too, had been in drafts for like eight months.

Snippet Stories: The Headache.
Mine. It's a snippet story. About a girl who gets headaches. Then she gets superpowers from her headaches. It's inspired by me. I get headaches a lot. I'm just waiting to see if I get a superpower from them. That would be awesome.

The Language of Autocorrect.
Both Phred and I work on this post. I guess I started it though. It's a list of common auto correct fails from ours and other close one's phones. It's been a draft for a while but it's hard to gather enough auto correct fails to make a dictionary out of them.
Now, we do have another draft listed in our posts list, but it's not really for you guys so much as a back up plan in case bad crap goes down, so I'm not including it in my list.

There you have it, Our eight/nine posts we need to get off our lazy bums and finish then move onto new posts. I guess I'll see you next time,
Love Love,

Phrankie McSparrow.


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