Sunday, December 28, 2014


Before I say anything else I must say one thing:
I am not an interesting person. 
I don't do much of anything to write home about.
And yet, I am so cool
I legit can not explain how cool I am.
 I wear costumes all the time, just cause I feel like it, I watch anime and play games and I can cook.
I'm good-ish with makeup and crafting and I can start a fire with a battery and a gum wrapper (in theory).
And when such a cool, uninteresting person like me happens to be born... 
I have no idea where I'm going with this. 
The point is, no matter how uninteresting I am, I still have had a pretty eventful year, and I'm here to tell you about it.
 I won't,
Like phrankie, summerize each month. But instead I'll thank the people who were a part of my year.
Jenna: thank you for showing me that I have to be strong no matter what gets thrown at me. I cried for much too long over you, but never again will I do that.
Miss Ann & Danielle: thank you for showing me that although we disagree on many things, I can still love you, and other people who I may not see eye-to-eye with.
Andrew: Thanks for showing me that even if you may be a little weird in the head, you can still be awesome as fuck and an amazing person. Even though you scare the shit out of me sometimes.
Hanna: Oh lordy, how do I go about this. Thank you for not going out with me out of sympathy, and for being part of the reason Nathanuel broke up with me. Which is not sarcasm, I surely wasn't gonna do it.
Lizz: Babe. First off, love you. Moving on. Thank you for making me tolerate music I hate for the people I love. And for be my most physical wife, I love a girls touch. 
Ashley: Thank you for helping me to feel safe. When I first came to youth group I felt so unsafe. I had just been violently pushed out of the life of a girl I loved and I had built so many walls, so fast. But you were so happy and fun, you got me to remember that not everyone is going to hurt me. And some people do deserve to be trusted. Which brings me to.....
Peyton: thank you for showing me that people can lie so convincingly. And that trust is to be earned, not just given to a sweet-talking douchebag in disguise.
Nathanuel: oh god. Not sure what to say here. Well, thank you for being my first real boyfriend. And for not completely screwing me over. And thank you for teaching me to not make big decisions while on my period. And to not stay in a relationship that doesn't make me happy. And to not sulk over a breakup. Also, to not put up with bad kissers. No offense, but calm down with yo tongue.
Billy: thank you for being such a big support to me. For actually caring when I came out to my parents and not telling me I was going to hell. And telling me I had a place where I would be safe. I needed that.
David: thank you for introducing me to cool music, and just being awesome in general. Also for being one of the only guys to ask me to dance. That doesn't happen often.
POL Drama group: thank you so much for being so cool and so much fun, I felt so safe with everyone there and so at home. I love you guys.
Hunter: Ahhh, Hunter. Thank you for for talking to me that night at the help center, I was lonely and sad. Thank you for being the only boy to actually ask me on a date (I wish I didn't have to turn it down, damn my parents) and thank you for just talking to me. It helps a lot.
Phrank: oh Phrankie, how do I even start. Thank you for slapping me when I needed it and helping me up when other people make me fall so hard. Thank you for reminding me that I can't date certain boys, and encouraging me to talk to others. Thank you for putting up with me complain about my heels, or how long my makeup took. Thank you for obsessing with me over things and bringing me back to reality when i'm obsessing too much. Thank you for not being embarrassed when I dress up as random things. Thank you for putting up with my moody, stubborn, stupid, self. Thank you for letting me fall back on you when Jenna did what she did. Thank you for not giving up on me when I did stupid things, thank you for not letting me do severely stupid things. Thank you for letting me cry all over you, or listen to me cry on the phone. Thank you for being there when no one else was. Thank you, you have been the only thing has has kept me alive all this year, and I can't wait for another year with my amazing, lovely best friend.

So there it is.
I will be posting about the new year soon,
But for how it's 1AM and I need to be awake in four ish hours (from when I'm writing this, not when its posted. i'll post it later).
So, we shall part for now. 
Until next time my babies

- Phred M.

Our First Year: A Summation (From Phrank's view)

Hello, my friends.
I am pleased to announce, Phredrick and I have been successfully(ish) running a blog together for one whole, crazy year now. Allow me a moment to congratulate myself on not totally forgetting about it or giving upon it.
(Good job, me. Thank you, me, I did try.)
Alright, onto the full meaning of this post.
Over the life span of this blog, Phred and I have, combined, gone through hell and heaven both. We've gone through three-ish boyfriends (again, this is all combined), a first breakup, a coming out, bad kisses, (a) good kiss, first love, all that gross goey romance jazz.
We have laughed so hard we cried, we have cried so hard we made gross noises and snotted all over ourselves, both together and apart. We have been each other's personal stress-reliever punching bags, fended off unwanted attention for the other, gotten leagues closer to oneanother (maybe a snip too close, on select occations).  
Honestly, of all the bad crap I could say about my life, not a single thing would be about my best friend. I could say how I wish this person or that character was my best friend, but I would always be lying. In this aspect, I will be completely honest and say that I feel bad for everyone who doesn't have a best friend as good as mine, because she is the best.
Well, I didn't start this post with the intention of boasting Phreddie to you, so I'ma move on now before I make her cry, if I haven't already.
As titled, I figured this post would be a summation, so I thought I'd give ya'll a literal summation of 2014, and share some of our best stories of this year. I'll try for one little snippet for every month, but TBH January-March are literally so boring I doubt I'll get much for them.

What happens in January? Basically nothing, Except New Years. Let's see, New Years 2014, I know Phred came over, and I know she fell asleep at like 11;15, so I just read or chilled on Tumblr or something until 11;59, and then woke her up in told her how long we had to go, and you know what she did? SHE FELL BACK ASLEEP 30 SECONDS SHY OF 2014. LITERALLY. So I just gave up and passed out, too.

February?  Honestly don't remember much of stuff Phred and I did. Valentines Day? My first with a boyfriend. But it was boring. I had work. He gave me a rose, I think I still have it? Dunno. On the very last day of the month, I left for Gatlinburg TN with him and his family. Aaaaanddd. . .

Aaaaanddd(Continued). . .  First kiss March! Well, first kiss February sounded better, but it was like march 1st. Looking back, I don't think it was that good. I mean, I knew there was way too much spit left on my face for just a peck, even at the time, but. . . Oh well. I don't remember many other details of March. Oh, house got frozen, had to chill at my aunt's house for like a week.

Weeeelll obviously the biggest highlight was my birthday, durrr..... JK, but I'm now discovering I'm just really bad at remembering what happened at certain periods in the year. I think at this point I was actually beginning to use my Tumblr more often, but who can remember? Not mee.

Does May even exist? what happens in May?
Nothing happens in May.

OH MA LAWDY June 2-6th was the best week all year except for everyone was crying a lot and it was sad the last day and stuff.
Anywho: that was Phred and I's first summer camp together.
Lemme try and get you a specific story from camp you haven't heard yet:
My personal favorite story is how I got the nickname Harry Potter.
So at camp, there were four (or five?) teams all week, competing for a pizza party the last day. So day two, our Team Leader comes up to our group and we proceed to go around introducing ourselves. I commonly introduce myself as Ginny, my nickname, because it's typically easier for people to remember than my real name. Usually, I say "I'm Ginny, but it's spelled like Ginny from Harry Potter, Not JENNY." (there is a subtle pronunciation difference, and down south they are pronounce nearly identically); but this one instance, I slurred and said "It's Ginny, but it's spelled Harry Potter." From then on, when talking to me in writing, all those people call me Harry Potter (Pronounced Ginny).
Phred's favorite story from camp is when Nate -her future boyfriend- surprised his friend on his birthday. Now, I don't know the details, because it happened late one night in the guy's cabin, but ir you're familiar with The Lonely Island's "Dick in a Box", you'll understand. See, Nate literally followed the steps, of cutting a hole in the box, and inserting his genitals, and making his friend open it. Phred has seen the box.
Nothing exciting seemed to happen when we got back. Although the (Then) bf said he cried when I was at camp because we didn't get to text. Thinking back, major clingyness RED FLAG, but I was still on my happiness high from camp, and overlooked it.

Honestly I really got nothin. Fourth of July? I literally don't really remember what I did, cause I've celebrated it so many times. And I only wrote one post on here, and it was about old people, so July must've been wondrously calm. Thank the Lord.
Phreddie was in dating bliss with Nate at this point

Whelp, I guess August was fairly calm, too. I remember in these couple months I was hanging out with Phred and Angel and my Seestah more often, which was fun. I know we went bowling and had frozen yogurt one day. That was fun. Wooh.
Also, phreddie break up with Nate (thank god)

I really have no idea what happened in most any month if you were to ask me at any given time.  I suppose I had lots of access to the laptop because I was on dress up games a bunch. Yes, I am fifteen., Yes, I do enjoy the occasional dress up web site. It's fun. Sue me.
Side note: I think things were finally going noticeably down hill with Danny. Honestly, I'm sorry it was dragged on so long.

I was really getting back into music, and listening to more music. Early October, Phred came out to her parents as bisexual, which wound up scaring me half to death. The night she did it, she wound up delivering this text about her mom completely losing all trust for Phred, and taking away her phone, and basically not lettng her do anything, and I was so scared at the thought of not knowing how long I'd have to go without that lifeline that i admittedly cried quite a lot. Of course, her mom let her text me the next day off of her mom's phone, conversation completely monitored, which made the crying feel ridiculous. Relationship with Danny was reaching a new level of stressful strain, and later in the month, and we finally broke up.  I really do feel horrible for letting that go on so long, but I really had no idea what I was doing in that relationship until after it happened. And to be honest, I still have no idea what you're supposed to do in a real relationship because that one barely pushed physical level of  fourth graders dating, but the emotional level was shoved up to a level that had no business happening between to high schoolers. Like, The emotional commitment was pressured to the full extreme of a couple in their mid/late 20's, and no matter who you are, that is a horrible thing for teeenagers. Needless to say, I am totally done with being a "We" for a long, long time. And I'll say that another person who was in that relationship should also stop worrying about dating for a while because if you don't even have your license then you certainly shouldn't be worrying about finding the one you wanna marry and all that shizz and that's all I'm going to say about that.

I am happy to have had a calm, stress free November, so becoming just a "Me" seems to have done me wonders. I don't really remember many details from Thanksgiving, even. We ate food? There was probably Turkey? There was Stuffing? There was Family? I don't remember. It was calm. It was nice. I loved it.

Now, this will have to be a 'so far', because I write this on the 26th. So far, just as great as November, but twice as busy. Lots of Christmas parties. I went and saw my sister play a taxi driver in It's a Wonderful Life. I got things for Christmas. I talked to my family. I talked to my friend. I think I made an internet friend. It's been good.
Over all, 2014 has been a pretty good year. Sure, it's definitely had it's crappy moments, but it's definitely had it's great moments. I've grown. Life's gone on. Tragedies have happened, as have miracles, and aren't we all better because of them?
So, my friends, I leave you with this:
I don't know if anyone actually reads this silly blog of ours, or if the only ones who remember it are the people trying to get dirt on us, but if anyone does read this, thank you. This probably all sounds cheesy, and given this blog probably only really helps Phred and I, not any of you, but thanks anyways for having the patience not to report us or whatever and get our lifeline deleted.

I love you guys. It's been a great year, let's hope for a good 2015 after.

Phranklynn G. M. P. McSparrow.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Phrankie never does what she's told

So you all know how recently, Phred posted a thing about her experiences on omegle and ended with "Moral of the story, never go on omegle."? Yeah well  no, I don't listen well. I mean, I do listen, but I'd heard so many stories about omegle, I was curious as to whether they were true. So I tried it. 
Relax, I have yet to do the whole video chat stuff. I'm blatantly avoiding it in case the stories of overly exposed people are true. Which they probably are. So I just do chat roulette.
Over all, my honest review of omegle is mixed. I've discovered there are pretty much three or four types of people on there. 

People Type 1: The Pervs

The name is pretty self explanatory. They are the perverted people who want nothing more than to get you to be nasty with them. I wish these people weren't so common. It's like every three  or four people are 18 year old guys asking about your booty. As I told a guy recently, "it is my booty and mine alone. Nobody gets access to it but me. Back off" You know what he said? "Smart girl. But I'm lookin for dumb girls." It's a real shame, because there are so many like that.  Seriously, four people asked what I looked like yesterday. Every time they do, it's pretty much instant disconnect. 

People Type 2: The "Cool"s

These people are pretty much like those acquaintances you've talked to twice, but somehow ended up with your phone number, and you wound up texting one day. Conversations with them literally go 
Them: "Hi'
Them:"How are you?"
You:"Good. You?"
Them:"Cool. I'm good."
Them:"I'm gonna go."
You:"Okay. Bye"
 Conversations with them never last long. Usually, the case is they're someone of your gender looking for someone not of your gender to be a Perv with. Sad, but true.

People Type 3: The Interesting Ones.

They are far and few between, but they are what I get on chat sites with strangers with.
These are the ones who are (mostly) genuinely good people, who you wind up having real conversations with. Just the other day, I was talking to a girl, and it wound up that once her friend accidentally shot her shoulder with a crossbow, and then it wound up she was mute, and then we wound up making plans to take over the world, her as The Mute Queen, and me as her evil-laugher, Empress Mwahaha. I would legitimately be friends with this chick, because she was so cool and fun. (And chicka if you, the mute queen, ever find yourself reading this, shoot me an email cause I'd talk to you again in a heartbeat.) 
Those are the people I strive to find.   
 They're the best. 
Weird thing is, they mostly pop up with Harry Potter as a common interest? Just saying, ma dear J.K. raised herself some polite squishies with those books of hers. 

People Type 4: the role players.

These people are pretty simple. They start the conversation with some long, pre-typed out message describing a scenario of various levels of intimacy, listing of a basic back story of their character, and requesting that you join in a one of two or three listed characters, or one of your own creation. Now, I'm sure this is probably a fun activity to join into, but for someone like me who takes ages to write a chapter in a story, or works on a blog post like this for a month or two,  I don't like it when people spring their preconceived ideas on me and tell me to join in immediately, so the role players never get much of a response out of me. Sorry guys.

And there you have it, that's it. the four most common omegle users. Consider this your guidebooklet if you're considering trying out one of these sites. Also, now you know that if you tell me not to do something, I will inevitably do it. just a friendly warning. 

'Tis all, 
Happy Holidays,

Phranklynn G. M. P.  McSparrow.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

I'm Never The First/I Don't Understand Men

Hey guys.
It's Phred.
Now, my posts have been pretty depressing lately.
But this time I'm pissed.
I don't understand guys.
I don't understand why I'm always the second.
I love Angel, I love her to death.
But somehow, whenever she turns down a guy, he comes to me.
And tries to date me.
All of them.
Every guy who ever tried to get with me.
They went for her first.
I understand she's prettier.
I understand she's the better option.
But I wish...
I wish I'd be the first.
I wish someone would look at both of us and say I'm the one they wanted.
This isn't against her.
It's not her fault.
She's gorgeous and fun and amazing.
And I'm not.
But I still don't understand.
I'm never the first.
I'm always the fallback.
And I'm so damn sick of it.
Of course, it's not a good idea to date me in the first place.
I'm 13 different kinds of fucked up.
But still.
Is there not one person that wants me over her?
Or any of my other friends.
I'm never the first.
I want to be the first.
I guess that's all I have to say for now.
- Phred M.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Narration

You want to  know how my days going? 
Woken up at an hour too early, to discover a jacked-up nose and a throat that aches like no tomorrow.
Get yelled at by you*lovely* sister  and mother multiple times to get up, because 'we're leaving in an  hour' when it only takes you 30 minutes to get ready.  
Go downstairs and are rudely told to clean up a cat's projectile vomit from the couch, but right now you wouldn't be able to stomach the smell of water, so you opt to temporarily cover it with a towel.
On the way to church, you realize that your throat'a ache, and nose's stuffiness are not jut a passing winter morning feeling, but the beginning of a bought of sickness, but wait, there's more: you're starting to cough a lot.
Your sister teases you about not being awake yet, but you're just too focused on not coughing your head off to talk much. Next to that, she rudely asks if you brushed your teeth- which you realized you hadn't.
Now, you are worried to breath too close to someone, so you don't breath sick-morning breath all over them and become permanently repulsive.
Talking is painful, let alone singing worship, but you try one song anyway. It hurts. Oh well. 
After service, your sister attempts to abuse her power by demanding you help her take are of toddlers. 
You just barely manage to get her to let you alone. 
You're forced into taking embarrassing, dirty-haired pictures with a man in an Olaf costume, 
And then unintentionally third wheeled by your best friend and her new exploits. Onc you're finally home, you find zero suitable food, no warn soup to ease your sick feeling, so you just have cold ice cream, in November, which relieves you momentarily before your throat begins complaining more.
You can also hear your parents arguing in the other room, though they do that a lot these days, it still makes you sad.
You make it to your room, expecting relaxing solitude, maybe a nap, but are shouted at to clean the vomit you'd forgotten. Once you make it to the stairs, your mother proceeds to angrily tell you, essentially, to 'get off your lazy butt and clean the couch, and your room. No more reading till you're a perfect child.' When you were actually I in the midst of falling asleep, NOT reading, as she seems to hate.
At this point, you develope your now expected headache.
You then use a towel to practically scoop cat barf from the couch, and even get around to spraying fabric cleaner on the stain before you realize you're still in a nice shirt, and go to your room to change while the cleaner sits. Having not even made it up the stairs, your dad shouts for you, forcing you to change whilst walking, and he winds up shouting for you to clean the puke, so you hastily explain your absence.
No one cares that your head is screaming murder, or that it burns to breathe through your mouth, but it's easier than breathing through you out of order nose, 
But then again they may not have even noticed that you feel like the dog crap in the cold, wet backyard.  And on top of that, it's already raining, so I guess that means it can't get any worse. 

And on top of that, every time you think you get five minutes to sit down and breathe, someone yells at you for not doing anything, and at this point all I want to do is cry. So I am. 

Phrank Mc

Friday, November 21, 2014

Blood, Anxiety and Puke

So it's 6AMish.
I feel like I'm going to vomit.
I'm cold as hell.
Oh, and my vagina is leaking blood.
But I'm really confused right now, and it seems the best thing to do is post something.
Things keep happening really fast and in my head I haven't completely caught up.
It's funny how one minute someone can say they love you and the next tell you not to talk to them.
Or excuse feelings as not real.
That confuses me.
I don't think any of my feelings have ever been fake or the cause of manipulation.
Everyone's worried about me.
At least, they will be.
But it's really fucking cold right now, and if I'm gonna puke I wish it would just happen.
And I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for what's going to happen the next time I see everyone.
I'm glad they have an extra week away from me to cool off.
But I'm still scared.
I don't want to lose them.
But at the same time, my life is my life and they have to let me live it.
I know they want to protect me.
But really, they are more vulnerable than I am.
More needing of protecting.
I'm really scared of fucking up again.
Of trying to help and ultimately messing things up even more.
I feel like I'm not good enough for them, but they need me.
Like, they deserve someone better, but I'm the only one here.
I'm shaking.
Whether from cold or anxiety I don't know.
But I'm sitting in my bathroom shaking and trying to work out in my head what's happening and how to proceed.
But I really have no Idea.
I'll just try not to kill anyone.
Until next time, my babies
- Phred S.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Lonely Christmas

Merry Christmas.
From the bottom of my heart, Merry Christmas.
On this day I never expected to be alone.
But now, sitting here I feel cold and alone.
The snow is all around me.
I can smell the turkey cooking on the other side of this wall.
I'm leaning on it to keep warm.
I've already knocked on the door and been told to get lost.
I thought Christmas was a day of giving?
I'm getting colder and colder by the minute.
Pulling my blanket tighter around me, the tips of my fingers are turning blue.
I'm so cold.
I remember last Christmas at my grandmothers house.
There was a big turkey and huge Christmas tree.
There were tons of presents under the tree, but my favorite one was a new white iPhone.
But now, with all the stores closed there's no shelter for me.
The only food I've gotten was some candy from the parade.
The best present was a fleece blanket I found on the side of the road.
I can't stop shivering.
I'm falling asleep when a little girl comes around the side of the house.
She looked at me and ran back inside.
Her mother came out and picked me up to bring me inside.
Everything is fuzzy and fading.
The last thing I heard while I was alive was someone calling 911.
The Last Christmas.
The Lonely Christmas.
Now I watch over the ones like me.
Alone on Christmas day.
Refused a place to stay.
I'm the warm wind air that keeps them alive.
And the chill you feel when you turn away a homeless child.
Christmas is a day of giving.
And I watch over the ones with nothing to give or take.
The ones with lonely Christmases.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Why we broke up and what's happened since

Hints the title,  Danny and I broke up.  And I feel as if I owe you an explanation as to why? Even though none of you probably give a crap, except maybe my sister, who is just nosy. 
Alright, so what happened? Don't worry my lovelies, your dearest phrankie hasn't been wallowing around in heart break for the past three weeks, as it seems is common in this situation. 
No,  It was actually a rather uneventful thing in my eyes. 
See, I could spend my time telling you every little detail, making jabs at Danny, the 'traditional' post-break-up-rant-of-pain, but there is no pain, no need to rant, no need for jibes, so I'll just tell you the flat truth and set all records straight: 
I just don't love him anymore. Not how he wanted me to. 
Yes, I did say anymore. I know someone had said the reasoning behind it was he asked if I loved him, and I said no. That's a lie. 
A wise soul once told me they believed that there's not just one person in this world you get to love romantically, and that just because you're not meant to be with someone forever doesn't mean you're not meant to be in the first place. I love those words. They make total sense to me, and I accept them as my own philosophy. Having said that,  I did love him romantically, and I think we were supposed to happen, but over time it was at the point where I thought that I loved him, but everything he said and did made me want to put him six feet under ground. 
Not even kidding. 
But I said I wasn't taking jabs tonight, so I'm not going to. Moving on.
 Out relationship got to the point where, I was plain miserable for seeming no reason. And I hid it for a time, thinking it was just teenager issues or something. But eventually, it would go away, in fact it got worse, and I just got so flipping stressed. I knew that I had given up long before my 'misery' was visible to any except maybe Phred, and by the time I managed I voice to him that maybe we shouldn't be together, every attempt of his to get me back admittedly just ticked me off. He sent me 'poetic' (as per Phred's description) messages, even though I hate poetry, he told me to listen to a 'take me back' sort of song (which made me so angry I nearly threw my iPod across my bedroom), he did the expected 'don't leave' speeches. But at that point, we were on 'break' already and despite my many, many different wordings of 'stop trying to force me to love you again yore just making it worse', he kept trying to force me to love him again. It was rally the last straw. 
And then we were through. 
I was already set to move on and just be friends again, put it all on the past, I was so RELIEVED, I felt so free and happy and carefree for the first time in so long; I hadn't realized how weighed down I was until that point. 
And then he got all sad, 'depressed', of you will. I didn't account for the fact that, though I'd really gotten over us before we were officially sone, he had the whole 'mourning' period. Buy he was so depressed, it was making me guilty, the very last thing I wanted to feel, was guilty about soon something that made me happy.
Frankly, it ticked me off.
I was outraged.
In a few moments of blind selfishness, I said a few very mean, very selfish, get-over-yourself type things to him. Yeah, I understand I was mean for doing that, but don't you judge me, don you go judging me, Danny, over twenty minutes of selfish anger. 
But of course, that's exactly what you did. 
You said you 'saw me in a different light'. 
Basically, what that's saying is that if you know someone for almost two years, and they have one bad moment, discard all the positive thing about them, the times they've helped you, and give them harsh judgment over one stupid thing. Because that's apparently how life works. 
I could have gotten over that, if it weren't for the fact that every conversation since has gone like this, in summation
Him: hi
Me: hello
Him: can we still be friends
Me: yeah
*civilized conversation for five or ten minutes*
Him: *says something rude or no longer acceptable that makes me uncomfortable*
Me: *tries to handle it civilly-*
Him: *says something to start argument*
*argument commences* 
Him: *well the how about we just don't talk anymore* 
Me: are you serious you claim to want to be friends
Him: ignores me for three days
Me: why do I try
Me: *rants to phred* 


I'm not even joking. 
That's how they all go. I'm getting tired of it. However, to give him credit, he did text me a couple days ago and I never responded, but I was emotionally compromised over a book. And he hasn't texted again since, so... Yeah. 
That's what happened. Yup. Bye.

Phrankie Mc

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Problems Of Phred McSparrow

I'm not being serious, so don't go off on me about how dumb my problems are.

So I'm kinda a weird kid.
Ok, I'm a really weird kid.
And I'm cool with that.
But being a weird kid means a lot of problems come up for me that'll never happen for some others.
And have and will continue to happen for some others.
But anywho, I'll continue with this post.
Hell, I might even categorize the areas of these problems.

Problems with having a quiet/antisocial best friend:

1# She won't go to dances.
Or dance with you.
Or anyone else for that matter.
Basically she refuses to shake her booty.

2# Conversations that go like this
Me: Come with me so I can flirt with boys.
Phrank: Uggghhh, nooooo.
Me: Pleeaassee.
Phrank: Wwwhhhyyy?
Me: 'Cause I can't do it alone.
Phrank: No.
Me: Please?
Phrank. No

3# I know everything about her.
But actually, I know nothing.
I couldn't tell you her favorite food, what she wants her wedding to be like, etc.
Yet, she probably knows all of that about me.

4#  She doesn't talk about herself much.
Meaning I talk about myself a lot.
And then I feel like shit.
Cause I'm only talking about myself.
Really tho.

5#  You can't stop loving her.
She's just too awesome

Problems With Being Single

1#  When someone I don't like hits on me,
I don't have any excuse to turn them down.
Besides saying I'm a lesbian.
But that doesn't work when the person asking you out is a chick.

2#  This meme:

3#  I give relationship advice all the time.
And yet...

Problems With Being A Blogger

1# When life happens, you are expected to give a report.
When life happens, it's hard to find time to give a report.
When life happens, it might hurt to give a report.

2# Looking at posts generally makes you feel like and idiot cause of you're me your posts are probably dumb.

3# But actually there's not that many downsides to blogging.
It's cool.

So this was a short post.
I just needed to lighten the atmosphere after the last post.
Until next time bunny baby cakes.

- Phred M.

I Hurt People OR This Post Is Depressing And Doesn't Stay On Topic

Hey guys.
It's Phred.
I really don't know who I'm talking to right now.
Maybe no one.
Or maybe this blog means something to someone other than myself and Phrank.
Probably not.
But sometimes I have to believe I'm helping someone.
That somewhere in the world my stories make someone laugh, or feel less alone.
Because if I don't, then who the hell am I?
No one that matters.
Someone who is better off dead.
Because I've hurt people.
I know I have hurt so many people.
And I can't fix it with some of them.
And sometimes I can.
I try to sew up the wounds but even when they heal there'll still be scars.
I know I hurt people.
But goddamn it, they hurt me too.
People I shouldn't care about.
People I should hate.
People I say I hate.
Their absence.
Their presence.
Tears me limb from fucking limb.
And then there' the people that should love me.
That should support me.
That say they do.
Then turn around and hurt me more than anyone else.
Try to isolate me from the only people who can heal my wounds.
And all for a fucking voice in their head that says I'm going to hell.
Where is my life headed?
In two years I could try to get emancipated.
Where would I go?
Will anyone still be there?
Or will I have hurt them too much for too long?
I hate myself sometimes.
I'm a stuck up bitch, with only two real friends and I don't even know why they stay around for me.
But still, the one thought that always comes back.
I hurt people.
I've made people cry.
I've said things specifically to rip someones heart as much as I am capable of.
I try to hurt people.
And I succeed.
And I always want back the people who hurt me.
Who leave me in the dust, bleeding and crying.
Because I give trust.
I give trust and people abuse it.
Because we're human.
The only way we can feel big is to make someone else feel small.
I try to make people feel small.
And yet I feel so tiny.
A speck.
I'm small and confused.
The other day I saw a fly try and fly into the mirror.
Over and over it hit the mirror.
If it would have turned around it would have seen the there was a whole room to fly in.
But it kept banging itself into the mirror.
I feel like a fly banging myself against a mirror.
Or a portrait.
When I turn around the peace I'm looking for is not the thing I see.
God, I sound like a preacher.
Except for saying fuck and goddamn.
I don't think any gods take offense to the word goddamn.
Then again, I'm not really sure what I think.
I think I believe in Wicca
In balance and maybe a touch of magic.
And now I sound like a fucking disney movie.
But I can't seem to find the balance.
Maybe that's just being a teen?
I hope I can find it.
But this post has dragged on enough already.
I need to do something productive.
But one last word.
If you are the one person that reads this.
You are important.
And there is someone who cares.
Cause she writes to you about her stories and her experiences.
Her troubles and her joys.
She writes to you when she feels worthless.
Cause writing makes her feel like she's accomplishing something.
And you are the reason she writes.
Thank you.
Until later.

- Phred M.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Glass heart

I can't say when  you took my heart. My glass heart.
I say took, because I didn't mean to give it to you. But at some point, you saw it lying there, in need of dusting off, and picked it up. You cleaned it off. Made it shine again.  Then you just kept it.  
You carried with you wherever you  went , and I didn't mind. Though I knew it wasn't yours in the end, I trusted you to keep it safe for me. And you did. It was always protected, always watched over. And you carried it with you along your safe paths. 
   But them your paths got a little rougher. A little dangerous. I could feel it happening, because my glass heart told me. But I knew it was still safe with you. But your path continued to get a little more risky, and others began to push you further that way. But you carried my heart in your hands the whole way, keeping it safe and warm. Suddenly, the others, the ones pushing you down rough paths, you turned and faced them. But they caught you off guard. They were more frightening than you anticipated. They began to hurt you, and push you towards a narrow bridge. When they hurt you, they chipped at my glass heart.
   I felt your hurt, too. They pushed you further and further onto the narrow bridge, hurting you and chipping my heart more and more. Until you couldn't take it anymore. You turned around again, you confronted them again. You fought back this time, but again, they overpowered you. I watched as it all unfolded. They blindsided you, and you slipped. I watched as you fell off the bridge, tumbling down bellow. Andy heart. My glass heart.
It slid from your hands.
I watched it descend. As if in slow motion, I watched it fall. I saw every frame as it fell to the bridge's floor. 
I watched it shatter. 
My glass heart.
I saw my world fall apart. 
I knew from the start that it it wasn't yours to keep, but you still held onto it, and kept it safe for me. 
Untill you couldn't anymore. Thank you for that. 
As I say there, staring at the pieces of my shattered glass heart, I asked myself
"How do you repair a glass heart?" 
I knew the answer, and I knew it would be difficult. I knew I would cut myself on my own shards, but I still knew how to fix it. How to fix my glass heart.
One piece at a time.
I just hope you'll show back up to help me.

Phrank McSparrow

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Birth of Random Reviews: Girls/Girls/Boys

  I'm having that kind of time where I want to be on tumblr, but I want to read a book, but I want to read fanfic, but I want to write stuff, but I want to draw, so I figured I'd post. Makes sense, right?
I honestly have no idea where I intend to go with this post. That seems to be a common theme with me. 
I smell like sour milk. 
But I took a near hour-long shower earlier. 
Stupid whipped cream.
Never mind. I still don't know what I'm doing.
OH, P!nk.
I like p!nk.
I reallly like P!nk. 
[Put lots of p!nk on my mix tape]
Let's talk about music. I can do the music stuff.
Here we Go:

Girls/Girls/Boys, Panic! at the disco.
{Music intro} 
At this point it's just the back of Urie's head... Now Profile... Oh, there's the pretty face.
I don't wanna hear you've got a boyfriend...
Eye contact. Oh, brown. My favorite.
Sometimes... You're better off alone.
That was a cute little smirk.
Now if you change your mind you know where to find me...
Ooh, We're zooming out.
And never did I think that I... would be caught in the way you got me...
I like the little shoulder dances.  
Can we take a moment to appreciate shirtless Brendan Urie?
Push another girl aside and just give in..
I like the arm movements also. 
Girls love girls and boys...
Yes, Brendan. Flap your arms. You are a majestic bird. 
Hehe, his face looks funny when he scrunches it.
Girls love girls and boys
He tenses up just before he sings. Shows off dem muscles.
Never did I think that I... would be caught in the way you caught me...
He smiles when he sings. That is difficult and attractive. 
Love is not a choice  
I enjoy the quirky facial expressions.
And the hair stroking. 
And if you change your mind you know where to find me...
Ooh, the camera is lowering 
Oh, Nice tattoo.
Ab shots... Ab shots....
Haha, bet you thought it would show below the belt, noooope!
Girls love girls and boys...
Woah, I think It showed a little buttcrack. 
Never did I think that I... would be caught in the way you caught me...
It's the hair stroking again...
... attention from a girl... 
Yess.. reach for the camera.
More eye contact. 
Love dem eyes.
... A girl who can't decide and here's the reason why...
Girls love girls and boys...
Flip your hair in your face. It is pretty hair also. 
Brown. Like his eyes. My favorite. Like his eyes.
Girls love girls and boys...
The passion is visible on his face. 
Girls love girls and boys...
Scratch that.
Girls love girls and boys...
You can see the passion in all of his body language.
And love is not a choice.
Yeah. Finish with the eye contact. 
Love that video. Brendan Urie is pretty.

So that's it. I'm starting a new segment called Random Reviews. I decided this just now. I am not limiting it to music videos or videos at all but like it can extend to book and crap too. Phred can feel free to join in. Yeah. That's it. Bye.

Love Love
Phrankie Mc.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Dressing up Phrank

Phred already explained what we were doing. So yeah. 
We still go on dress up sites. We are children. Get over it. It's fun.
Here we go.

Viking maker.

This is mine. 
This is actually probably pretty accurate, all things considered.
Fitted pants, my favorite boots. The fur corset thing would kill me. I hate tight things on my stomache. And it's probably itchy. Ugh. But the bow is actually accurate completey, I do own a bow -compound- and I'm not too bad if I say so myself. I put feathers on it because, feathers.

This is Phreds.
Not bad, but y'know.
I hate wearing white. And those sleeves are pretty but I'd end up cutting them off. They'd get in my way. Also, that hair color makes me look ginger. I wish I could pull it off. 
I really do.
And she made me look grumpy. I'm not that grumpy (shut up danny)
I think that's a scar above my eye?
Apparently she thinks I'd do well with a mace, but c'mon, you could've given me a bow.
Kidding. Over all I actually like it.

Disney Princess

This is mine.
Dark hair, true but mine's weird.
I don't actually like poofy pants or ballet flats but I would rather have poofy pants than a dress, and the only boots were heels. 
I look so graceful as a disney girl.
I'm totally not graceful.
And Jobe. I made a little version of my dog-ish.
He is so cute.

This is Phred's.
First, I'm in a skirt. You know I hate skirts Phreddie. You're slipping.
My hair's a little too light, but that's just being nit picky.
Is that gold on my forehead? 
Gold just feels tacky to me nowadays. Also it looks  like crap on my skin tone which wait she made me sooo white I know I'm white but I'm not that white.
Aaand she also put Danny in there. 
Not that you could miss the blonde dude giving me a flower. 
Am I supposed to review him too?
Uh, I guess not bad but he'd look ridiculous in a cloak and giving him a knife let alone a sword is hazardous to humanity.
Also, he has this weird thing about wearing shorts instead of pants?
I don't get it either.

Lotr and Hobbit.

This is mine hobitses.
Yes I made myself a hobbit. No it's not because I'm short. It's because I love hobbits. They eat lots, and in holes. But they have hairy feet, which is not cool.
Moving on.
This is cute, but not necessarily accurate. Yes, my hair is lighter at the tips (barely visible on on the hobbit but there.).Yeah, I most always have a book with me. The hair style is actually pretty close, too.
And I suppose if I had to wear a dress (The game had no pants options) this one might make the cut.
Actually, I like this one.

Here's Phred's hobbitses.
Yes, she made me a hobbit, too.
Yes, she probably did it because I'm short.
Moving on. The neck up is pretty good.
Hair color is pretty close, eyes nose that whole bit isn't bad.
I wish I could get my hair that pretty and wavy.
I just realized we both gave me the same necklace.
Now, that darned dress. I'm passing over that fact that it is a dress, she couldn't help that. But pink?
Of all the colors, pink?
I like the blue. I almost used it. But no pink. Pink sucks.
But the rest is good.

Well, there you have it. Phred and mine's opinions on my look in general.
Tells you a lot about people's opinions, I guess,
That is all.

Love love
Phrankie McSparrow.

Dressing up Phred

So earlier today Phrank texted me with the great idea to use avatar creators (fancy term for dress up game) to make each other into Disney princesses and post the results here.
Then we decided to do two more (LotR and Viking avatars).
Then to make things less cluttered we decided to make two different posts.
And then we decided to make ones for ourselves.
Basically it's super confusing.
Anyhow, we did three dress up games, the first picture was me making a character out of myself, the second is Phrank making a character of me.
Here we go.

Disney Princess

So this first pic is me doing myself.
I gave Phrank her boyfriend in her pic, so I gave myself my imaginary Asian girlfriend with electric blue eyes (Ok, so Phrank gave me the blue-eyed Asian girlfriend first, so she gets the credit.)
This is how my hair looks most days (a little less fluff, but it's Disney).
And pretty colors that match some of my clothes.
And again, my butch Asian girlfriend.
Please, someone make her real.

Maybe this is a hint?
I didn't think my clothes were that bright.
Do I really blush that much?
All jokes aside, my hair is pretty accurate (In reality it's a mixture of those two styles) and the boots are perfect.
And the dress is great besides the bright pink lace going on there.
And my butch Asian girlfriend that I'm in love with.

LotR & The Hobbit

I'm kinda in love with the idea of being an Elf.
Phrankie disagrees, but I think I am an elf.

So as I said, Phrank disagrees about the whole Elf thing.
So here I'm a human.
But I like it.
And I have a knife, which is good.
Random fact, that's what my hair looks like when I get out of the shower and shake it out.


Ah yes,Viking.
I look a lot meaner in my thing.
And I actually have a damn weapon!
You give someone a mace for their character and what do they give you?

Really, with the blush though?
So this one gets a 9 3/4.
Deducting 1/4 point cause that smile reminds me of Shirley Phelps.
And I hate Shirley Phelps.

So yeah guys, this was a fun little game and one of the many things Phrank and I do to entertain ourselves.
Because we have nothing better to do.
Well, I don't.
So thank you for sitting through that and not killing your computer because of our stupidity.
Until next time my sweets.

- Phred McSparrow

Friday, September 26, 2014

Today Is Not My Day (and other things I say a lot)

As some people (Phrank particularly) could tell you, there's a few things I say a lot.
For various reasons, I just repeat these things like it'll change something.
Now this is not gonna be a list of the things I say a lot and how I can fix them.
I'm not in that kind of mood.
I'm in the mood to type out a list of things I say purely to get them off my chest and maybe so some of you can relate.
So here goes
"Today is not the day."
Mostly occurring on Wednesdays, shit happens and I and up dragging Phrank somewhere secluded muttering this phrase.
I then proceed to throw things and pace until I've calmed down.
"I hate being single"
I know. It's not even been two months of being out of a relationship (granted the relationship was only two months itself) and I'm already complaining about being single.
Problem is, no girl near me is gay, and if she is she's too old for me.
And any guys worth being with aren't single or they're, again, too old.
So yeah.
I would apologize, but no.
"I'll fucking kill you/shut your fucking mouth/pretty much anything with the word fuck in it"
Cussing is like therapy to me.
Phrank will vouch for it
"He's such a bastard"
There's a lot of 'em that I know.
I kinda feel like this one is ok.
Then again, I feel like I say it too much.
It confuses me.
I hate apologizing, but southern-ness I suppose.
"I would seriously make out with anyone right now."
Except I wouldn't.
So yeah, there's a quick little post.
My computer got stepped on

So it is a lot harder to write.
But I promise I'll keep it up.
Thank you for sitting through that, lovelies.
-Phred McSparrow

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Best Friend Tag 2: Specific Questions Edition.

This is Phranklyn here, deciding to do another Best Friend Tag with Phredrick whether she likes it or not. For this one, I will be finding the questions, but they are to be random and specific questions I select off of the internet.  PE is for  Phred, PA is for Phrank.

Would you rather be attacked by a bear or a swarm of bees?
PA: Bees for you.
PE: bees for you.
PA: A bear. You can punch a bear.
PE: bear for me.

Do you chew your pens and pencils?
PE: No.
PA: I wanna say you do.
PA: I do.
PE: Dammit, me too.

What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
PA: Ranch?
PE: Ketchup.
PA: I like barbecue sauce.
PE: Actually, ketchup.

Cheetos or Fritos?
PA: Dude, cheetos
PE: Cheetos, for both.
PA: I love Cheetos.
PE: Me too.

Hot or cold tea?
PE: Cold.
PA: Hot?
PE: Cold.
PA: Hot tea from Ming Court.
PE: Never had hot tea there.
PA: it's good.

Who's better, David Tennant or Matt Smith?
PA: David for you.
PE: Matt for you *sigh*
PA: Matt is pretty.
PE: I know... (David Tennant)

What physical feature do you dislike the most on you?
PA: Maybe lips?
PE: I think you hate your nose? I hate my stomach.
PA: I do hate the nose. I was thinking more facial features though. . .
PE: Uh, nose for me. God I hate it.
PA: Damnit, I was thinking your nose.

Favorite physical feature?
PE: Ummm, eyes?
PA: Your eyes, too?
PE: Yes I am eyes. (What? you are eyes? weird.)
PA: Yeah, my eyes. Wish they weren't so deep set though.

What is their birth date?
PE: April 29th 1999
PA: December 26, 2000
PE: Yep
PA: Yup

Something about them not a lot of people know?
PE: Uhh, you're gay?
PA: No I'm not?
PE: Fine, not a lot of people at group know you're artsy.
PA: Not a lot of people know you write stuff.
PE: I suppose. Damn, I should write more.

Do you have any secrets from each other?
PA: Probably.
PE: Not that I can think of. I don't know about you.
PE: Um, yes you do?
PA: Actually, probably. Just those little things you keep to yourself.
PE: I probably have some of those things too. Things you don't wanna know.
PA: Probably.
PE: But those don't count.

What is their sarcasm level, from 1 to 10?
PA: 7
PE: 5
PA: Cheerio, I said 5 for me.
PE: I would give me like an 8 but I'll give it to you.

What is one thing you look at on other people? (A.k.a physical feature)
PA: Booty.
PE: People in general I like eyes. I will admit on chicks I like tits a lot. You have said stuff about noses.
PA: Noses.And eyes. And hands. Duuuude, I just realized I check out hands.
PE: Do I have nice hands?
PA: Eh, average.

Favorite inside joke?
PE: Something about.... Micheal? (Name changed for reasons)
PA: Same.
PE; Yup.
PA: Yeahhhh.

Have you ever eaten a crayon?
PE: Question, eaten like chewed or eaten like swallowed/
PA: Either.
PA: For you... I think you have.
PE: Yes I have. Ima say you've chewed one but not like swallowed it.
PA: Yes I have, but yes, just chewed. They taste nasty. Did you swallow it?
PE: No. But I have swallowed and digested Play Dooh before.
PA: Me too.

What is their dream vacation?
PE: The Harry Potter themed park at where ever it is for you.
PA: The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, at Universal Studios. Damn, I was going to say Atlantis in the Bahamas for me, but now I'm conflicted. Somewhere tropical for you.
PE: No, I hate heat. Japan. Specifically Tokyo.
PA: Dammit, I knew that.

What are they typically doing at 12 AM? 
PA: Sleeping?
PE: *doesn't text back for everrrr*
PA: Are you sleeping now?
PE: I'm usually on YouTube or looking up witchy stuff. You're almost always asleep unless I keep you up.
PA: Uh you always go to bed before eleven when I'm texting you? And I'm always up texting you or more likely Danny.
----We had more words on how long we actually stay up. Both decided it was past 12----

What is their favorite ice cream flavor?
PA: Chocolate?
PE: I'm probably wrong but yours is like fudge or something? I cannot stand chocolate ice cream, however I like cookie dough.
PA: Son of a beech. I was going to say cookie dough. I actually like cookies and cream the best.

Favorite spectator sport?
PA: Quidditch for you if it was real.
PE: I legit hate sports. even Quidditch. But you would do Quidditch.
PA: If it was real yes. But actually soccer.
PE: I hate sports.
PA: I know hon.
PE: I'm probably gonna end up with a sports fanatic...

What condiments do you put on hot dogs or hamburgers?
PA: You don't eat hot dogs? I'm gonna say cheese and ketchup or something for burgers.
PE: Other way around. I don't eat burgers, but cheese and ketchup for hot dog. No idea for you.
PA: Just cheese and ketchup.

Alright folks, that's all the questions for today.
The final scores are
   PHRED                                                    PHRANK
 10                                                              10
 WE BOTH GOT 10 OF 20!!!!

How does this happen. Like, we need a definite winner at some point.
Seriously. This is ridiculous. 
Oh well. 
See ya guys next time.
 Phred suggested Danny and I do a relationship tag.
Maybe you'll see something of that popping up soon. 

Love Love,
Phrank McSparrow.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Back to old times/Then and Now

          So I'm at the hospital. Fret not, my readers, I'm okay. No, an old family friend of ours is having open heart surgery today, and he asked my dad to come and sit with his family while he's busy being cut open. Now, last time we saw them they mainly consisted of the dad, the mom, and their son. While my dad is talking to the mom and their new addition-they have a new baby girl- I'm keeping company with their son, I'll call him Kelso(that name I really clever if you knew his actual name). Now, this isn't necessarily a bad thing, but he's a weird kid. That's saying something, for me to call someone weird as a not-quite positive way. But this is the kid who dropped the F-bomb at ten because  he read it online in a joke thought it was funny.
       Side tracking for a moment, because there is funny story behind this, here it goes: We were havin' a good ole pool party at Phreddie's old house, and before hand he got there and the three of us- Phred, Kelso, and I- were chillin in a secluded-ish area by this big table thing, and he goes "hey, wanna hear a joke I read on the internet?" and we are all "yeah sure" and he sets up the scene as this dude standing by a car talking to a kid all pedophile-like and says "hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but get the f*** in the car!" Now, at the time-believe it or not- Phred and I both were all "Aah noo no swearing bad words nooo it burns!" so we strongly told him off, not to say he didn't continue to let the frickety-frack word slip multiple times afterwards on separate occasions, but y'know, what can you do? But yeah, funny story, cause now we're all "cuss swear cuss curse wordy-dirts", or at least Phred is.
    SO back to the actual post. This kid doesn't know what personal space is. Like,

This P is me, and the lines ( - ) are my bubble.
The K is him, and this is where he tries to get in my bubble:

Seriously. Not joking at all. And he's very random. He can't stay focused for more then about three seconds, on anything at all. literally, "SQUIRREL!!"
I wouldn't really mind this so much, because I'm surrounded by people who are like this, but Kelso is constantly trying to tell you a story or something. Like "Oh hey, one time, I was uhh... Sorry, where was I? Oh! yeah, I was outside my house on this ummm.... uuhh....Oh, sorry. I was on the hill- we live like up by a moutain- and uhhhhh..... OH MY GOSH WOW DID YOU SEE JUST THAT *thing that was just on TV behind me*!!!! It was like this thing and it was going WOOSH and WAAAH and woah!!" *five minuites later* "Oh right, I was telling you a story! *starts telling a different story*"
I mean, he's a good kid, but daaaaamn his attentions span kills me. And when he does stay focused for more than thirty-no make that three- seconds, it's when he's asking me about me and my life and stuff. If you've known me longer than ten minutes and have a decent brain, you pick up really quick that I hate talking about myself, UNLESS we're unspeakably close and you prompt me. Then I talk like a greedy snitch that witnessed a murder. But other wise, I'm awkward and I trail off and it's uncomfortable for me to share anything. And this kid expected my life story? Sorry Kelso, I'm not spilling my guts to you.
But either way, seeing Kelso and his family again got me thinking back to how Phred and I were one, two, or even three years ago.  SOOO I've decided to make a comparison chart, and I'll let Phred do some of mine and I'll do some of Phred's.

THEN                                 PHRANK                               NOW
Quiet and reserved around people.
She made jokes sometimes but over all
she watched while the rest of us did.
However, once you broke her shell
(and got her a little tired) she was the
 weirdest/funniest/coolest friend I've ever had.                                                        NOW
She hasn't changed much but she is a lot
more open and a lot more willing to jump into a conversation.
She's also more aggressive, but in a good way.
A lot because she'll confront someone when I can't/won't


She used to go back and forth from
Wearing glasses to wearing contacts
And that would always screw me up
Seeing her the first few times after she'd change                                                                       NOW
 Now she hits people.
A lot.
Like seriously, for no reason.
If you stand too close to her she'll jab you.
And I'm easily hurt.
Not a good mix.
Me, somewhat Angel (she was somewhat a friend,
 her name wasn't somewhat), Liz (god I hate her),
like all the AHG girls (hate them too.),
and the Brady Bunch as Phred calls them (a family with 6 boys)
 I can't think of any others.
Then #2
This was about a year ago.
And it was just me and Danny                                                                                    NOW
Now it's me and Angel and Emily (correct me if I'm wrong),
 still the Brady Bunch, Anna,
 Lizz (different Liz, Note the two Z's),
Ashlynn and Danny (does he count?)


Crazy/fun/weird people                                                                                                      NOW
This hasn't changed at all.


You were okay with your family,
except we hated Emily for no apparent reason.
                                                                                                       You have you're disagreements but as far as i'm aware you're cool with them now. 


Maybe I'm wrong, but you were
pretty content with yourself.                                                                          NOW
You get frazzled and confused sometimes
But I still think over all you're pretty cool with yourself.
Unless I don't know something.

You were christian then and you're christian now.

ATTITUDE TOWARDS ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS                                                           

THEN "I don't care about relationships"
 - Phred McSparrow                                                                                          NOW
And now she has a boyfriend, soooo.....
ATTITUDE TOWARDS PHRED                                                                                                   
Well, friendship speaking. Before we officially met she thought I was weird.
Which is saying something cause she's weird as fuck

Like non existent.                                                                                                            NOW
She's pretty confident now.
She can stand up for herself and others
(she's had practice cause I'm a bebe)
And won't let anyone step on her.


Jeans/shorts and  tshirts.
Always a big messenger bag.                                                                                                    NOW
                                                                                    pretty much the same

She was extremely reserved.                                                                    NOW
Now I think she thinks about things a little too much.
Not to say i don't too.
I sure as hell do.

No one thinks the quiet girl is a threat.                                                           NOW
No one thinks the quiet girl is a threat.

Short, but adorable.

                               she's much less reserved and much more likely to kick someone's ass if they need it.                     


THEN                                PHRED                                        NOW

Honestly a bit bitchy. A bit loud and out there, which some times came off as rude. But you could see nice stuff underneath if you looked
Still loud, still out there. 
Still comes off as rude sometimes, but it's definitely not on purpose now.  

You used to sit and pull one leg up really close to your crotch like you were going to cross your legs but left the other foot on the floor. Like, while you were sitting in chairs. It was so weird. 
You make intimate biting and licking motions at people. 
And my face. Don't get near my face. That's why I hit you. 
It's my face.
 FRIEND POOL                                                                                                                                       THEN
Jesus. Literally. She put a facebook post about it.
Some blonde boy. The Volleyball girls(L&J). Me. Posh spice.  

Me. Angel. Anna, Ashlyn.
 Kind of Nate. Danny. All those library people.
Do you count Christie?
GENERAL TYPE OF PEOPLE YOU ENJOYED BEING WITH                                                   
Slightly loud, crazy, opinionated people.
Also me. Dunno how the hell that happened.
                                              Loud, crazy, opinionated people.
And me. Seriously, what the hell?    
ATTITUDE TOWARDS FAMILY                                                                                                     

Pretty okay I guess. Maybe bad, I dunno. 
You didn't talk about them much then. They were annoying to you.
Hate them. You're okay with your oldest bro, I think.

ATTITUDE TOWARDS SELF                                                                                                           

I think you were a bit flip floppy. 
You were all 'ugh self hate' but you were also all
Still flip floppy.
All "ugh, I wish I was skinny/pretty"(You are pretty)
But you're also all body positive.


Christian, actually.
ATTITUDE TOWARDS ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS                                                             
"Micheal... but also whatever who cares."
 ATTITUDE TOWARDS PHRANK                                                                                                     

You probably thought I was odd. Because I am. 
But you probably thought I was awesome and fabulous and amazing.
Because I am that too. JK.

You still think I'm awesome and weird. Because I am. Dur.

On the outside, average. Hard shell. All cool
On the inside, probably not. Insecure. Unsure.
On the outside, 
"Screw you I'm fabulous and saxy I do what I want."
On the inside, 
Probably still screw you I'm fabulous.

Camis as shirts, and pants.
 Some times skirts or dresses.
Tights. Tights with pretty shorts. 
Tights with dresses. 
A bit emo.
And actual shirts now, thank god.
Except they're all cut up, and inevitably show your purple bra.
BIGGEST FLAW                                                                                                                                

No one wanted to be friends with a snappy rude chick.
A bit too much cowardice in you. 
You won't openly go up to people and confront them
And you can't take a hit. Seriously.
BIGGEST ASSET                                                                                                                                

Very good walls built to keep people out.
 No body was getting past those walls.  
Except me. Mwahaha.
No body expects that you'd actually stab their eyes.

PHYSICAL APPEARANCE                                                                                                                 

A bit innocent. But also "grrr"
Much more confident, so you do costumes more.
A bit Goth/Emo/dark colors, 
but not bad.
(NOW ONLY)BEST CHANGE                                                                                                            

No longer bitchy.

(NOW ONLY) WORST CHANGE                                                                                                               You won't shut up about wanting saxy wamon but not doing anything to be not single. 

Well, that's all folks. See you next time.

Phrank and Phred McSparrow.